Front Company Unlimited, Ltd. / FCU2

  • Corporation
  • Casual
  • Freelancing
  • Smuggling

We are legitimate businessmen!

Disclaimer- The use of the term business“men” in no way implies discriminatory policies of any kind based upon sex, gender, or gender identity. Front Company Unlimited complies with all applicable UEE statues, regulations, and laws. All of them! We swear!


Charles Front incorporated Front Company Unlimited in 2954, as a holding company with wide interests in cargo speculation, hauling, mining, salvage, security, and other completely legitimate business fields. Charles tragically died shortly thereafter, leaving the administration of the company in the hands of it’s Board.


We’re in this for the fun- we’re definitely not hardcore.

We can be goofy at times, and we aren’t trying to ruin anyone’s day. The org’s concept is of a front company for illegal activity. So a majority of the business that is undertaken will be legal- please engage in any legitimate activity that you like- but these are assumed to be meant to provide cover for the illegalities, such as by laundering profits off-screen. Since anyone involved in an activity gets a cut rather than a salary our lowest Rank 0 members are called Partners, and no one should ever get more than a double share. We aren’t a roleplay org per se, but it can be fun to wear an eyepatch and scream “Avast!”, and roleplay can provide structure or justification for other fun activities, so we expect a certain amount of that sort of thing.

We intend that the org function as a meeting place more than anything else, for teaming up to do missions or just goof off, as well as for mutual defense.

No matter the rank, anyone can try to organize a mission, either formally or informally. In fact we encourage groups of friends to form sub-organizations within the main org, so for instance if you and a couple of buddies want to for a crew together and just have the org available as a pool of potential allies, go for it. In fact, let us know who your group leader is and we will promote them to Rank 1 to make it official, and so on. A group might qualify for a Rank 2 individual and a few Rank 1s with the rest Rank 0, and so on. The exact numbers qualifying are loose, at the moment, but we expect Rank 6 to be reserved for Board members.

Speaking of which, our Board exists only to provide input on guiding principles- such as they are- and it’s members are not intended to be draconian overlords. So don’t expect a lot of supervision- this is a casual org, and for instance response times to communications can be prolonged. We all have demanding day jobs. But authority within the “sub-orgs” can function however the members like- lots of folks consider roleplay to be fun, after all, and for us it’s all about the fun. So you be you.

For instance we definitely understand the appeal of facing a challenge, including the challenge of criminal gameplay such as piracy. So no gameplay activity is outright banned for our membership short of slavery or activities to the detriment a fellow org member- we don’t screw each other. But when we say that we might engage in piracy we mean it when we say that it is for the challenge. We define piracy as the nonconsensual acquisition of fungible goods from another group, vessel, or facility through force of arms or the threat of it. Extorting UEC rather than fungible goods merely in exchange for not killing someone does not meet the spirit of this definition, in addition to being lazy and uninteresting, though if a target offers you a bribe, well that’s different though it is an edge case. It is also difficult to do a lockdown anonymously, and the one cardinal sin of a front company is attracting official attention, so bear that in mind as well. To our way of thinking a major part of the challenge of illegal activity is to remain undetected by the authorities. If a member attracts too much attention from law enforcement orgs we might roleplay kicking them out, only to accept them back in after appropriate penance.

But we will not tolerate griefing, which we define by intent, specifically the intent to ruin someone else’s gameplay experience solely for the schadenfreude with no reasonable hope of benefit or return on investment. Intent can be hard to parse though, so we do operate under the precautionary principle and short of extreme and obvious incidents will issue warnings before resorting to anything as drastic as a kick- please plan your missions accordingly, and don’t test edge cases.


Any activity is allowed by members, with very few restrictions:

Wheaton’s Law

Don’t be a dick. And don’t try to pretend that you don’t know what that means. All else follows from this.

No slavery.

Even in a game that’s depressing.

Don’t screw fellow org members.

In fact, we back their plays. We are a mutual defense org- please assist fellow members in distress when able, without expectation of compensation.

No griefing.

Griefing is defined by the intent to ruin someone else’s gameplay experience for the schadenfreude, without a realistic hope of material return on investment. Piracy is fine- after all we are a front for illegal activity- but griefing is not.