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FMJ Operations / FMJO

  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Resources
  • Social

Never Out Gunned, Only Out Numbered.

Discord –


Organizational History:
FMJ Operations was originally founded in 2004; Adm_Zondar (General Zondar from EVE Online) as the last man standing after several people left ended up inheriting the organization and has since rebuilt the organization to what it is today. Our organization left EVE Online in 2014 because of the in-game political structure and excessive griefing across the game with a primary focus to join Star Citizen with its upcoming release. Due to the delays in game production we have since expanded our game portfolio and currently play several games all with the focus to play Star Citizen full time once it is released.

During this transition time we are playing multiple games including Empyrion Galactic Survival (for which we have our own server), World of Warships, and GTA5 Online. We also play Star Citizen occasionally as new patches are released to keep up on the game mechanics as well as learning the fundamentals as they are released throughout development.

Organizational Goals for Star Citizen:
Our primary goal is to always have fun in everything we do because that’s the whole point of playing games in the first place. Our secondary goal is to expand and make new friendships that go beyond that of Star Citizen.

As we make our journey into Star Citizen we have multiple endeavors that we want to cover and are not strictly limiting ourselves to just one aspect of the game. Our first endeavor will with the Endeavor as we look into engineering and item,component and weapon enhancement. These enhancements will not only benefit us in the long term as an organization but can also be sold at a profit. When we are not doing engineering we will be using our Hulls and Starfarers to make profit. Other industrial tasks such as mining and salvaging are other areas of interest as we get more crew to man an a Reclaimer and an Orion and perform larger operations.

Let us not forget we always need fighter pilots who are willing to perform Escort and Operations Defense; or go on the offense to take out pirates in the area if needed.

Organizational Benefits:
Our organization has multiple benefits including a major one in that we have every ship in the game, thanks to our Completionist CEO Adm_Zondar. Having all of the ships in the game we are able to test out all game mechanics as well as learn all the aspects of multi-crew ships as well as give people a place to help as crew or even rental ships for those inclined to rent or use organizational ships once we grow in size.

Another great benefit of the organization is the training that we will offer for new players who are just learning the game mechanics so they can be fit in any role they wish to take on or expand into. This training will come from the leadership we are investing time and energy into learning most aspects of the game as they are released.

Our “Shares System” while still in the initial stages of development will provide a fair way to share profits for organizational activities so that everybody will make a profit even if they sit in a gun turret or are on standby as damage repair crew on the larger multi-crew ships. This system will revolve around your organizational rank and the specific duty you are performing on any given day.

Last but not least, those who become a part of our community will earn the right to enjoy some real life swag in the forms of lapel pins, patches and stickers with our corporation logo.

Recruitment Policies:
FMJ Operations runs an open recruitment policy with very few rules. We welcome all non-pirates to our Discord server to get to know us before they join so you can get to know us and know its a proper fit for you and ask us any additional questions that you may have. All members who are official members of FMJ will have the “Member” role. Please look for “Bill”(Adm_Zondar) or “Larzous” to answer your questions regarding Star Citizen.

*Discord –

Members seeking to contact me directly may PM me on spectrum. — @Larzous

For information regarding our organizational structure and motto. please review the Charter.


Our Board of Directors will unveil our official corporate statements soon. Please come back for updated information.


Our Board of Directors will unveil our official corporate statements soon. Please come back for updated information.