Choose your allegiance and help shape the future of a system in turmoil through daring supply runs and missions across Pyro’s reaches – play now for limited-time faction rewards!!
Our Board of Directors will unveil our official corporate statements soon. Please come back for updated information.
Fox Industries is dedicated to supporting the ongoing lawful security and economy of the ‘verse.
We value relationships over materialism and work to surround ourselves with people who push us to do and be better.
We believe in promoting simplicity, not complexity.
We believe that business is personal, and we thrive on helping others achieve their dreams.
We believe that fun should be at the center of all we do.
We won’t give any less than our absolute best in everything we do.
Our Guiding Principles:
Leadership should be a transparent and active experience.
Make decisions using best available information, then measure and adjust as needed.
Create business opportunities that set us apart from the competition
Encourage innovation and participation.
Be excellent to each other, always.
To provide custom security and logistic solutions to the citizens of the ‘verse.
Create a long-lasting community to enjoy many different hobbies and games together.
Have as much fun as possible together
Article I: Commitment to Integrity and Ethics
While nothing is ever black and white, Personnel shall always strive to conduct themselves with the highest level of integrity and honor, both inside and outside the organization. In situations where a decision may not be clear, decisions should be consistent with the organizations Manifesto and the values of the UEE
Article II: Organizational Structure
The organization will be led by three Directors working in tandem to ensure the smooth and orderly operation of all activities and ensuring the success of the organization mission.
The Administration Director is responsible for:
Upholding the Charter
Managing relationships with external organizations
Client contract management
Community Engagement
The Combat Operations Director is responsible for:
Upholding the Charter
Assisting in procuring combat-oriented contracts for the organization
Assignment of resources for contracts needing combat assets
Ensuring combat assets are ready and available
Combat Training for all personnel
The Trade Director is responsible for:
Upholding the Charter
Assisting in procuring economic-oriented contracts for the organization
Assignment of resources for contracts needing logistics assets
Ensuring logistics assets are ready and available
Training on logistics and economic topics for all personnel
Directors will have purview over the design and management of their respective areas of responsibility and may adjust as needed based on the changing needs of the organization. This includes:
Creation and assignment of other leadership positions
Creation and assignment of various duty posts to support operations
Breaches of any article item will be handled collectively between the directors and their leadership as indicated in this charter to ensure no bias and equal treatment for all members. Reference Article X for further details.
Article III: Code of Conduct
How we treat each other
Fox Industries actively creates and promotes an environment that is inclusive of all people and their unique abilities, strengths and differences, and promotes diversity as a strategic and competitive business advantage for the company
Members within the organization are expected to do their upmost to create an environment that is free of harassment, intimidation, bias, and unlawful discrimination
Members should strive to be inclusive and promote participation both from within the organization as well as with clients and affiliated organizations
Violations of this article will result in immediate termination. We have a ZEROTOLERANCE policy
How we treat our clients
Members should always be conscious that various clients are trusting us with various aspects of their lives which can have life altering consequences, from the privacy of sensitive information to the value of goods being escorted or delivered
Access to sensitive information should be restricted to the minimum viable to achieve the success criteria as outlined in the Statement of Work (SOW)
Members are required to take measures to protect client information from unauthorized access and adhere to organization Security and Privacy policies, as well as applicable UEE data protection laws
Members should always strive to ensure that the products and services supplied should make the Fox Industries more useful for all clients, both existing and new
Lawful Conduct of Business
All business conduct shall be in compliance with UEE law and shall respect agreements between the UEE and foreign powers
Members, while not strictly prohibited from choosing to follow local laws and ordinances are encouraged to act in good conscience as outlined in Article I, remembering their actions are representative of the Organization as a whole
Members must ensure their actions cannot be interpreted as being, in any way, in contravention of the Articles governing this Organization’s operations
Article IV: Conflict of Interest
Conflicts of Interest
Fox Industries Personnel are expected to use their best judgment to act, at all times and in all ways, in the best interests of Fox Industries while performing their assigned duties. As such, Personnel should attempt to avoid actual or apparent conflicts of interest. A conflict of interest exists when your personal interests interfere with the best interests of the Overall Organization
Participation with Redacted or Invisible Organizations will constitute as a conflict of interest within Fox Industries. We strive to promote an open and honest policy when dealing with clients
Outside Activities, Employment, and Directorships
All members contribute to Fox Industries’ public relations, especially at the community level. As such, we encourage participating with charitable, educational, and civic activities as they bring positive credit to the Organization
Members must, however, ensure that participation in any of these events will not, or would not appear to:
Impose excessive demand upon a member’s time and attention, depriving the Organization of their best efforts on any job
Create a conflict of interest (whether an obligation, interest, or distraction) that may interfere with the exercise of judgement in the Organization’s best interests
Article V: Asset Use in Operations
Personal Assets
This section left intentionally blank until further information about game mechanics is made available and evaluated. The goal of this article is to define the fair compensation and risk management to individuals that wish to use their own equipment for contracts
Organization Owned Assets
This section left intentionally blank until further information about game mechanics is made available and evaluated. The goal of this article is to define the procurement, upkeep, and risk management of assets which can be used by anyone in the organization for contracts
Article VI: Compensation
Personal missions
This section left intentionally blank until further information about game mechanics is made available and evaluated. The goal of this article is to ensure fair compensation to all personnel while supporting ongoing operations of the organization
Organization contracted operations
This section left intentionally blank until further information about game mechanics is made available and evaluated. The goal of this article is to ensure fair compensation to all personnel while supporting ongoing operations of the organization
Article VII: Gifts, Amenities and Bribes
Receiving Gifts
Neither you nor any member of your family may, directly or through others, solicit or accept from anyone money, a gift, or any amenity that could influence or could reasonably give the appearance of influencing Fox Industries’ business relationship with that person or organization
Sending Gifts
You may not, directly or through others, offer or give any money, gift, amenity or other thing of value to an executive, official, employee or representative of any client, supplier, Fox Industries business partner or any other organization, if doing so could influence or could reasonably give the appearance of influencing the organization’s relationship with Fox Industries
Article VIII: Raising Concerns and Reporting Violations
Reporting Concerns
If any personnel witnesses, or has good reason to suspect, a violation of the organizations charter or believe they are a victim of prohibited organization conduct, they should immediately report the matter through any of the available communication channels
Your immediate leader
Fox Industries Personnel Management Office
Any of the organization’s Directors
Right to Request Anonymity
Individuals that do report a violation have the right to request anonymity, and the Organization will honor this to the upmost extent possible
Article IX: Non-Retaliation Policy
Personnel, who in good faith, report any infraction of the Charter, shall not be retaliated against no matter the outcome of the investigation
Article X: Disciplinary Action
Disciplinary Responsibility
The responsibility of discipline within the organization shall remain within the leadership of the Organization
Each Director has purview to determine how Disciplinary Action will be handled, as long as it is handled in accordance with this Charter and in the best interests of the Organization
Disciplinary Records
All records of disciplinary action will be added to a Member’s personal record, which at any time they may request a copy of their own record
Requests received must be fulfilled within 48 hours unless a reasonable excuse is provided as to the delay
Records will otherwise be locked and only accessible on a need to know basis
Removal of Members via Disciplinary Action
Any decision that indicates the termination of a Member from the organization must be UNANIMOUSLY agreed upon by all the organization directors
Members will be notified in writing as to the specific reason of the removal either before, or within 48 hours of the termination, unless a reasonable excuse can be provided
Required Disciplinary Steps
All disciplinary action plans must include, at the bare minimum, the following items:
Verbal Warning
Written Warning
Suspension (with or without pay)
NOTE: Illegal conduct as well as infringement on the code of conduct are NOT subject to the progressive discipline steps outlined above
Appeals Process
Members are permitted to present evidence to refute a Discipline Decision made by the Organization Leadership to the Directors for consideration
Members have five (5) business days from the date of the Disciplinary Action to provide their evidence to the Directors for review
Directors have five (5) business days from the date of receipt to review the evidence and make a decision to uphold or overturn and will provide their decision in writing to both the Member and Leadership member that made the initial determination
Article XI: Amendments to the Bylaws
Bylaw Amendment Process
A request to amend the Bylaws must be submitted with the unanimous agreement by all three directors
A proposed change must be posted for all personnel to view and given the right to veto as outlined in section II
Requests that pass will be in effect at minimum two (2) weeks after the end of the veto period, but may take effect later depending on the scope of change
The charter will be updated as well as a changelog to track changes over time
Right to Veto
Personnel have the right to veto any proposed change to the bylaws with an 80% majority vote within the veto period
The ‘veto period’ is one (1) week from the date the proposal is submitted for consideration
Proposals vetoed in this manner may not be proposed again for a minimum of three (3) months