Supply or Die

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Facepunch Corporation / FPCORP

  • Corporation
  • Regular
  • Exclusive
  • Exploration
  • Freelancing

Welcome to Facepunch Spacepunchers, the absolute coolest dudes. To join, PM your credit card details and we’ll handle the rest.

Just look at these reviews:
  • Wow, these guys are great, 11/10 – Garry “Garry” Newman
  • “But in space, fuck your couch.” – elix
  • What is a facepunch? – Barack Obama


In the year 2214, on the advent of technological breakthroughs in engine speed, Garry Newman strove to make his mark in the newly-expanded galaxy. Using research conducted on the previous versions of the Roberts Space Industries engine models, he released ‘Garry’s Mod’ (short for ‘Garry’s Modifications’) to an already space-enamored populous.

Garry’s Mod was simply an interface designed for easy engine adjustment – speed, heat, stability; status readouts were available at the touch of a panel. Of course, similar interfaces were already produced by RSI, but even certified rocket scientists had difficulty making heads or tails of the readouts. Within a decade, Garry’s Mod was making spaceflight slightly more understandable and easier for the average starter pilot to actually take off without exploding.

However, they were some controversies surrounding Newman and his product – some still say that Garry’s Mod was installed on-board the colonial flight ‘Artemis’, without the notification of the crew, leading to the confusion and eventual disappearance of the flight entirely. When faced with these accusations by a notably obstinate reporter, Newman punched the man in the face outside his London home – no one put Newman at fault, however; it was generally agreed that someone else present would have done the same eventually. This publicity led to the creation of the Facepunch Corporation.

The years passed, and both Facepuch and Garry’s Mod grew in popularity and adaptability – eventually it was able to provide control and information on not only the engine, but the entire ship itself: shields, hull, weapons, communications, power, and more could be programmed to run through Garry’s Mod. Facepunch began to act as not only an official marketplace for Garry’s Mod, but as a hub of information for many forms of starbound and terrestrial activities.

Garry Newman grew older and spent less and less time appearing to the public, largely retiring from the public eye in 2301. The everyday activities of the corporation were handled by the board of directors, and the Facepunch Corporation maintained its place in the galaxy for the next few hundred years, as a reputable supplier of products and as a nucleus of entertainment.

In the year 2913, Facepunch Corporation unveiled a new venture called the Radical Utopian Simulation Training (R.U.S.T.) Initiative. Designed to train colonization recruits to adapt and survive when placed in an alien environment, the R.U.S.T. Initiative was incredibly popular with young adults (and older children likely lying about their age). Signups were at an all-time high, but controversy recently struck once more: upon landfall in 2920, the recruits became extremely violent, attacking fellow staff and recruit alike and escaping into the galaxy.

Now Facepunch is faced with the future: a request for pilots has been made to track down the troubled R.U.S.T. recruits and bring them back home, one way or another. At the same time, exploration has been made more prioritized in order to discover if ecosystem differences were a factor in hostilities. Economic focus has shifted to the stars in order to reveal new outlets of revenue, leaving whispers and rumors of Garry Newman’s continued involvement in the corporation, despite being hundreds of years old, unexplored.

These are the tales of those pilots, and their journeys through the stars.


The Facepunch Corporation is a multifaceted organization designed to allow ultimate freedom, crucial cooperation, and maximum profit. With many of our pilots originating from different walks of life, we possess a wide array of skill sets that allow us to adapt to an ever-changing universe faster than most.

We intend to pursue as many avenues of success necessary to maintain our lifestyles, and our corporation’s place in the universe. This may include any jobs offered to the organization by private clients – for the most satisfaction, please specific ‘Whatever it takes, no questions asked’ on job submission for review, as most generally accepted definitions of ‘success’ may differ between both pilots and clients.

On paper, Facepunch offers freelancer services in just about any and every field imaginable. This may include:

❏ Bounty Hunting
❏ Mercantile Protection/Production
❏ Exploration
❏ Body-guarding
❏ Salvaging
❏ Hostage-Negotiation/Rescue
❏ Investigation
❏ Booty Calls
❏ Infiltration
❏ Diplomacy
❏ Intelligence-Gathering/Transportation
❏ Ship Repossession
❏ More!

The Facepunch Corporation works to achieve its goals (and possibly yours!) by any means available with the most interesting results around.

“*Join the ride.*(Seriously, click it, you know you want to.)”:



The Facepunch Corporation is an enterprise governed by self-regulation and cooperation. That said, with pilots interested in pursuing various career paths, there is bound to be conflict – accidental or intentional. This document exists NOT to run your lives, but to mainly try and prevent trouble before it occurs between members.

  • The ‘Friendly Flags’ Doctrine

Facepunch is, unofficially, a sort of meritocracy: for the most part, ranks don’t mean that much – your actions do. Pilots are encouraged to meet up, hang out, help out, talk, chill, explore and engage to your hearts’ content. Everything is better with good company, and your deeds could help inform and protect your fellow pilots from the rigors of unknown space.

However, we understand that some pilots may have loyalties that lie in multiple groups. Facepunch will never ask you to put one above the other – the main focus of the Facepunch Corporation is to act as a common ground for pilots to seek information, assistance, and entertainment without fear of inconvenience. Instead, we ask that you simply don’t intentionally involve unassuming fellow pilots in your potentially hazardous activities that you may or may not be conducting (pirating, smuggling, corporate espionage, etc).

  • The First, Second, and Third Monkey Stipulations

While flying together, in order to relieve boredom or stress, there are bound to be pranks pulled on your fellow pilots. Everyone is bound to do these things sooner or later – firing off the escape pods without telling anyone, scratching the paint of that brand-new Idris Corvette, moonwalking on another pilot’s cockpit while in EVA.
Just be mindful of your actions, and try and refrain from causing actual, serious damage to another pilot’s equipment, and in extension, his wallet. If it still occurs, try and make up for it either monetarily or otherwise. Don’t be that guy who shows up to the party, gets too drunk, and relieves himself all over the couch and carpet – that’s not cool.

  • The Corporate Resource Accords

In the event that resources can be stored and pooled together between pilots within the corporation without higher management, please refrain from taking what does not belong to you. If you need a couple of resources like fuel, money, or ammo, simply ask – it is almost certain someone can spot you the amount, or at least direct you to someone or somewhere who can. Don’t be a thief who benefits at the cost of everyone else’s hard work. Also, in regards to conflicting loyalties, don’t take any amount of our collected wealth and give it out as charity to another alliance.

  • The ‘Heavy-Hand’ Directive
Pilots are heavily encouraged to making decisions between themselves and others for most, if not all, everyday tasks, activities, and interactions – the Board Members can’t, won’t, and don’t remotely care to micro-manage each and every one of you. It is up to you to make choices that may or may not affect the future of the corporation, along with your place in it and the rest of the members. Use your head, and please try to be rational and considerate when dealing with others – you are not a special space-snowflake deserves more power and attention than others.

In the event that a decision affecting the entire corporation needs to be made, then the Board, after discussing with the general members of the group, will enact the change. This will be one of the few instances of direct control made by the Board that affects pilot standing and activity within the corporation.

  • The Idiot Cull
If pilots are known to repeatedly cause others problems of consistently equal or greater magnitude (similar to the discouraged activities described above), despite being warned numerous times, the Board Members reserve the right to expel you from the group for any amount of time, most often permanently. There’s only so much grief you can put people through before it stops being funny.