Black Flag Syndicate / FREEEDOM

  • Syndicate
  • Hardcore
  • Role play
  • Smuggling
  • Piracy

They told you there is no honnor among criminals ? What the fuck do they know ?
UUE, big Corporations, they crush you under their authority like all the fucking Universe is theirs !
Well count us out. We live free, and we choose our rules!



The Black Flag Syndicate history started in 2366 were a free settlement was fouded under the name of “New Providence” it was an attempt of free like minded people to escape to any authority.
Its soon became a free settlement that attracted, Smugglers, Greedy Merchants, Bounty Hunters, or any kind of people that wouldn’t want to be in UEE Authority. The Settlement was iIllegal but its location was chnaging too fast for authorities to keep up.

Soon the settlement that was moving arroud the Verse free of all authorities became famous and keep to attract more people. But also the attention of the UUE and other authorities. To maintain its Freedom ironically, some kind of organisation was needed.

The Black Flag Syndicate was born, a basic and simple guidelines were agreed Upon, a Pirate Nation was Born! Soon after that The Black Flag Syndicate became more discrete, secretive and stoped accepting everyone into its ranks.

You can't find The Black Flag Syndicate, it find you!

Is the response you would get if you asked the Grim HEX bartender.

The Black Flag Syndicate is more than a criminal organisation despite UEE propaganda, its a floarishing secrete settlement living out of Piracy, smuggling and trade. They soon grew influential in the Verse. Its Pirate fleet was feared for its efficiency.

By targeting specific Corporation with pirate attacks The Black Flag Syndicate also made a fortune in the stock market by directly influencing the Economy.
That money allows them to buy informations, politians so well that the The Black Flag Syndicate at this day is always free and well.


Freedom is not cheap, thats an understatement sadly. Don’t worry we can help.
We are a free society that have limited rules. Most of our activities are based arround Piracy, Smuggling and Trade.
But any one that want to be free in the Verse may join.

The goal of the Black Flag Syndicate is to top being a nomad settlement and grow strong ennough to get out of the dark to claim the control of a sector of the Verse and create a Beacon of freedom.


Who’s asking?BASIC GUIDELINES EXTRACTED FROM THE “The Black Flag Syndicate fisrt Manifesto”

  • Major decisions are to be voted by all Black Flag members.
  • Small decision, Security matters, and law matters are to be discussed by a “The Black Council” made of 12 citizens randomly selected and 6 of the most high ranked members of the Black Flag.
    The Black council then decides by a vote.
  • Murder and free violence is not encourage, murder of another Black Flag member is consider a Crime if not justified and shall be judged by the Black Council.
  • Theft among Black Flag Members is not allowed and shall be judged by the Black Council
  • If you are offended by someone you are entitled to ask him reparation. He may apologize to you publicly, if not you are allowed to found reparation in his blood.
  • Contribution in the Black Flag affairs are not mandatory but you take what you give.