Supply or Die

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Galactic Hoplites - Private Security Fleet / GHPSF

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Security
  • Bounty Hunting
    Bounty Hunting

Galactic Hoplites – The Frontiers Phalanx!

GHPSF is a privately owned security company that provides professional-grade Escort, Security, and Paramilitary capabilities to other Organizations and individuals.


Guardians of the Frontier: A History of the Galactic Hoplites

Chapter 1: Genesis and Foundation

In the year 2944, amidst the vast expanse of the Stanton system, a band of visionary individuals united under a common cause: the protection of free trade and mining operations on the ever-expanding frontier of human space. The Galactic Hoplites emerged as a beacon of order and security in the chaos of the cosmos.

Chapter 2: Forging a Legacy

From its humble beginnings, the Galactic Hoplites swiftly established themselves as stalwart defenders of commerce and industry. Through disciplined training and unwavering dedication, they honed their skills and formed a paramilitary structure designed to combat piracy and safeguard vital assets across the frontier.

Chapter 3: The Reign of the GHS Odyssey

Under the command of their flagship, the GHS Odyssey, the Galactic Hoplites charted a course of vigilance and vigilance throughout the Stanton system. From the bustling trade hubs of ArcCorp to the remote mining outposts of Crusader, they stood as guardians, ensuring the uninterrupted flow of goods and resources vital to the prosperity of humanity.

Chapter 4: Expansion and Preparation

As the Galactic Hoplites continued to flourish, their sights turned towards the uncharted depths of the frontier. With plans underway for the construction of a new flagship, the GHS Arbiter of the Stars, they prepared to venture beyond the known boundaries of space, ready to extend their protective mantle to new horizons.

Chapter 5: The Zeal of the Guardians

Driven by an unwavering zeal for their cause, the Galactic Hoplites remained resolute in their opposition to piracy and lawlessness. Through countless skirmishes and daring rescue missions, they earned a reputation as fierce warriors and steadfast allies, respected and feared by friend and foe alike.

Chapter 6: Into the Unknown

As the pages of history turn, the Galactic Hoplites stand on the brink of a new era. With the completion of the GHS Arbiter of the Stars imminent, they prepare to embark on a journey into the unknown, where new challenges and adventures await. But whatever trials may come, one thing remains certain: the Guardians of the Frontier will stand vigilant, ever ready to defend the freedoms and aspirations of humanity among the stars.


GHPSF Takes the quality over quantity approach to security, providing dedicated pilots and specialized crew to any needed application.

From personal security details and trade route protection, to conducting and assisting in fleet actions, GHPSF is guaranteed to protect your loved ones and items even if it means our ultimate demise.


Rules and Regulations to be posted later, please contact TheGekkie for any questions at

Interested in joining? Fill out the following questionnaire! and send an application

Deputy Commander: Cuddlestheeradicator
CAG: Target654
Director of Logistics: ——————————-
1st Squad Leader :——————————
2nd Squad Leader :——————————
3rd Squad Leader :——————————
4th Squad Leader :——————————