BlackStar Legion / GODFAMILY

  • Faith
  • Hardcore
  • Exclusive
  • Resources
  • Bounty Hunting
    Bounty Hunting

We offer neither pay, nor quarters, nor food; We offer only hunger, thirst, forced marches, battles, and death. Let thee who loves their Organization with all their heart, and not merely their lips, follow us into the deep, cold, black.


Founded 1998 as a Hardcore Competitive team in Mech Warrior by Trinun.

Re-envisioned as an Competitive online gaming team in 2003 for multiple online games such as Halo.

2005 Expanded into a multi-gaming-team for Both Training Pro Teams in Halo 2 for MLG and dominating Big Team Battles in online play.

2009 Expanded further into other online games such as Eve Online, Ace Combat, Armored Core, Titanfall, Halo 3.

2015 New Leadership, Rebranded, and pro teams established. Became the top team in Robocraft holding an undefeated record for 2 years under the Clan Name “The Brown Coats.”

2020 BlackStar Legion assists in the creation of an online gaming community and server host for a game called “Empyrion.”

2021 BlackStar Legion establishes new foundations and with it, new founders to carry the code, ethos, and honor of the name.

2023 BlackStar Legion enters Star Citizen.


May the Black Star shine eternal, and devour all who are unworthy of it’s glory.

Long live the Legion, and may they never know dishonor.
Long Live the Engineers and Scientists, and may their visions never be blinded.
Long Live the Silent Sleepers, who walk among the unworthy ready to kill from the shadows.
Long Live the Inquisitors, who keep us pure of heart.
Long Live the Council, for they are the bulwark of the Black Star.

-Prayer of the Legion


Priorities: God, Family, Friends, Honor, Integrity, Loyalty.

Organization Rules:

1. Don’t talk about the organization.

2. Be in no other organizations. If you switch your main organization, you will be immediately banned.

3. In this collective, you are only as strong as the one who stands beside you. Keep to the code.

4. Don’t act on behalf of the organization without the blessing of the founders.