• Organization
  • Regular
  • Security
  • Infiltration

Galactic Race and Interception Pilots ®


There’s no history, just future!
And our future is in our own hands.

NOW it’s the time to become part of the outstanding trip of G.R.I.P. ®


GRIP is an German/English speaking Oragnisation with the main alignment on being as fast as possible in anything we do: racing, transportations, infiltrations, explorations and – if neccessary – blow up bandits/hostiles.

We explore fast,
we deliver faster,
we race unbelievable.

The way to be a true champion is open for every member of G.R.I.P.
New pilots starting with the rank of a junior. Every junior pilot will have its own supporter out of the more experienced pilots to feel comfortable in their new homebase. Through your performance as pilots as well as a living and breathing part of our team you’ll be able to grow up in rank and honor to the following:

  • Co-Pilot
  • Advanced Pilot
  • Challenger
  • Winner
  • Champion

As a Champion, you are the ultimate pilot, one of the fastest in any discipline we are involved.
But also we are not going to be a pile of individuals looking for its very own advantage – at anything we do, we will take account of our team goals. As a team, we try to be the best – the f a s t e s t – in the ‘verse. And together we are and we will be furthermore.

- the TEAM management –


  1. You need to be fast.
  2. You can hit anything red.
  3. You will respect your mates.
  4. You want to have fun.
  5. Did we mentioned you need to be fast?!
  6. You have a ship. (okay, an Aurora will count, too.)