Greystone Signifer Industrial Corporation / GSIC

  • Corporation
  • Hardcore
  • Role play
  • Transport
  • Trading


The collossal organization of Greystone Signifer reminds citizens of the Atlas carrying a planet. Signifer stands for prime delivery, whilst carrying the weight of the universe on their shoulders.


2595 – A violent newly discovered species classified as the ‘Vanduul’ raid a UEE Command post in the Arcturus Sector.

2596 – The UEE Declares war on every known Vanduul homeworld in accordance to Space Law Treaties & Principles (UNOOSA).

2601 – UEE Miliary Fleets suffer a major blow when a Vanduul fleet destroy’s two thirds of the UEE’s 8th Fleet that houses most of its main frigates and battle ready support groups.

2602 – In light of recent events, knowing the UEE would not be ready in time and could not risk sending the home fleet on expedition, a PMC group known as Greystone Interstellar Corp. (GSIC) offers its resources to the UEE.

2604 – UNOOSA And UEE Govermental officals Reclaim and Sign into act the giving hands act (2A.21CB) which allow’s GSIC And like wise PMC’s to offer military support and aid to all and any UEE Colonies with GSIC at the helm.

2605 – Plans to fund and support the giving hands act (2A.21CB) is greenlit placing 22.8 Trillon in worldwide joint efforts Under UNOOSA in the hands of PMC’s from both across the globe and the UEE Controlled Galaxy’s.

2610 – As the GSIC continues to grow stronger and a more centralized military governance structure is established in sectors hit hard by Vanduul’s, Providing aid and a sense of hope to the local populus.

2614 – The First GSIC Big Space contention between GSIC and its Sister PMC’s land in the Ralmi Sector with GSIC Fleet’s providing Air / Space superiority, while the rest provide ground aid to local populus hurt in the sector.

2615 – One of GSIC main fleets code named “Ira” Utterly Destroy’s a Vanduul blockade outside Arcturus where the first contact war took place, giving the chance for logistical routes to be used by the United Empire of Earth Navy.

2618 – With the success over the last two years hitting Vanduul outpost and homeworlds GSIC and its Sisterhood groups manage to put UEE Back into control over its sectors and the newly captured ones, UEE Decides it can stand on its own after recent victorys.

2620 – UEE And UNOOSA hold a world wide conferance call thanking all groups who came to the aid of the UEE When needed, claming “ The act’s of these indiviuals will forever be the spear head of hummanity and her colonies” in which they revealed statues of all groups and there logo’s on the garden of the capital.

2640 – GSIC Remains to operate under a military structure from the times of the frist contact wars, However turns its focus to more profitable hobbys due to the lack of need for main military use, opening up mining / Industrial and trading operations to financially support the core of GSIC And its military counterparts in the case another call up under TGHA Arises again.

2680 – GSIC Releases a memo for public intellect with a headline “Join GSIC Today and get your UEE Citizenship tomorrow”.

2700 – A Large Unknown Force attacks one of UEE’s main Homeworlds in the Moran System heavily destroying and damaging colonies, settlements across the board with millons dead on Moran II & MIV.

2701 – TGHA Is called upon once more by the UEE And UNOOSA.

2702 – GSIC Board Members Known as Odin, Nibbles, Tomek, Phillips and Lee Respond the call from UEE And UNOOSA by a public video on the interweb / Mobiglass daily.

2703 – Present day.


All of our activity and purpose is driven by our company’s core values:

Star Citizen is a game, not a perfect real-life simulation. As in any game, its core purpose is to provide a fun, enjoyable experience for everyone. Whilst there are several dedicated Greystone organization branches centered around realism and simulation, Greystone intends to cater to a wide range of audiences and our primary objective is to enjoy the game and have fun together.

Greystone will expand in line with Star Citizen, which is as of now still in alpha. Therefore any planned or currently existing features are subject to change at any given time. To avoid wasting time and effort in creating structures for features that may or may not happen, Greystone will not actively develop plans for any gameplay loop that is not currently already released in the latest alpha. We do however encourage members to set up their own events or missions in accordance with the currently implemented gameplay loops or mechanics.


For more information, please visit our website:


GIC is chartered as a TGHA organization compliant with all rules, regulations, stipulations and intergalactic laws thereby applicable via congressional act with UNOOSA.

As such, GIC is authorized to conduct, contract, subcontract and otherwise cause to be executed all forms of legal intergalactic activities as stipulated by the UEE Senate in accordance with UNOOSA. Under the provisions of TGHA regulations, GIC is entitled to UEE diplomacy while conducting under TGHA.

In addition, under the sub-charter of a TGHA entity, GIC is also authorized to mobilize, forcefully use and practice legitimate enforcement of its legal consignments, both interplanetary and intergalactic, within the boundaries of the UEE as stipulated by the Military Act signed into congress by UNOOSA.

In areas not currently governed by the United Empire of Earth, these same military forces may be used to enforce UEE policies and laws as long as such actions are not in contravention with any UEE established Intergalactic Agreements.


As part and parcel to this charter, GIC has established the following codes of conduct on its members:

Members come from all sectors of society, for their mutual protection and prosperity.

Those whose behavior is repeatedly unbecoming of the high standards of UNOOSA and UEE’s Combat Laws under TGHA and its diplomacies are to be subject to warning, censure, and eventual expulsion in regards to UEE and UNOOSA CLJMs.

Members who become convicted of a felony offense by due process of a UEE-Constituted Judicial Authority are to be subject to suspension or dismissal with all honors being stripped of that individual until the investigations are found fair or guilty in regards and compliances under both UEE, GIC and UNOOSA Combat Laws and Judicial Merits.

We ask you to respect how others may want to enjoy their game experience.

Greystone does not condone or accept grieving activities from any of its members.