Greystar Security Corporation / GSSECURITY

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Exclusive
  • Security
  • Bounty Hunting
    Bounty Hunting

Greystar Security

A pack-leader in premiere security and fugitive acquisition


Greystar Security Corporation

A leading private security force since 2901, Greystar is the best option in the industry.


The ‘Verse is a vast place. Between pirate operations, smuggling rings, and the savage Vanduul hordes, it is also an exceptionally dangerous place. With the UEE Navy spread thin between numerous threats throughout the Empire, Greystar Security has come forth to help act in its stead. While the military may serve to protect humanity as a whole, Greystar exists to offer protection at a much more personal level. Each and every one of our clients are treated to extensive care, tailored to their exact specifications.

What We Offer

Greystar is home to some of the best Bounty Hunters, Pilots, Tacticians, and Combat Specialists in the industry. All of our associates are UEE Navy veterans, so you know their experience is guaranteed. No matter the job, Greystar has a professional ready to help. Our services include, but are not limited to:

  • Convoy and transportation security
  • Fugitive tracking and acquisition
  • Covert operations (Surveillance, etc.)
  • Point-defense for stationary operations
  • Offensive combat support


Upon being hired, all Greystar associates must pledge:

  • To uphold the interests of the Greystar Security Corporation
  • To serve and protect our clients
  • To enforce the doctrines of the United Empire of Earth
  • To apprehend any fugitives of our esteemed Empire