Supply or Die

Choose your allegiance and help shape the future of a system in turmoil through daring supply runs and missions across Pyro’s reaches – play now for limited-time faction rewards!!


Gunswinger Corp / GUNSWINGER

  • PMC
  • Casual
  • Security
  • Freelancing

The Gunswinger Corporation seeks to bring meaningful player interaction whether through PVP or PVE means. We seek Citizens to answer the question,

“What are you gonna do about it?”

We are open to both business inquiries and recruitment.


2954 Siege of Orison

Gunswinger Crop accompanied by members of the CDF eliminated several Nine-Tails assets during the Siege of Orison in July of 2954. Gunswinger Corp assisted many CDF volunteers along the way via fire support, medical assistance, or transportation. This event is commonly referenced to the event that helped Gunswinger Corp plant its roots in Stanton.

2954 Various Jumptown Drug Labs

Across 2954, Gunswinger Corp secured multiple Maze manufacturing sites across Stanton. Gunswinger Corp defended and held the facility against multiple independent operators or Organizations that wanted to control the facility. In the end the illicit material was transferred to a third party to ensure proper disposal.

2954 Multiple XenoThreat Engagements

At several instances, Gunswinger Corp assisted CDF members and local security forces in Stanton against XenoThreat raids. Gunswinger Corp offered assistance through fighter escort, cargo transportation, and boarding parties for Idris Class Frigates. When XenoThreat returned near the end of 2954, Gunswinger Corp once again responded to the threat helping multiple third parties defeat the Incursion.

2955 To the Future

With the Pyro Jumpgate finally coming online, Gunswingers looks to expand its operations. Pyro welcomes new challenges and we look forward to expanding our ranks and our capabilities.


The intentions of Gunswinger Corp. are clear, to bring meaningful player interaction through PvP or PvE means. Whether that would be hiring us for personal security, backup for a mission, or clandestine cargo acquisition, we seek to make players answer the question, “What are you going to do about it?”

Did you get raided and lost all of your cargo to some roaming space pirates? Hire us next time.

Or perhaps you need some extra hands in an operation that involves boarding the famed Idris Frigate, we got you covered.

The Verse should not be experienced alone, and we are here to help.


General rules and regulations :

  • : Members within Gunswinger Corp will refrain from unnecessary murder and or griefing. While we follow a “Shoot First” policy in systems like Pyro, every member must evaluate the threat beforehand.
  • : Members are not prohibited from seeking employment through other Organizations. As we are a Freelance Organization ourselves, we believe in chasing wherever the excitement and opportunities are.
  • : TBD