Supply or Die

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Night Wolves / HOWL

  • PMC
  • Hardcore
  • Freelancing
  • Security

Night Wolf Securities

“In the vast darkness of space there are no more lone wolves, only Night Wolves.” —Imperator Messer XV


It is an unyielding age of expansion

2948 The (Night Wolf) name is synonymous with premium contract services and corporate fluency. Currently headquartered on Terra, they offer a wide range of security packages and the latest hardware to safeguard clients whether on planet or out in the stars. Specializing in protection in uncharted space.

2910 Operatives on assignment in Elysium are called to assist Squadron 42 in the single (most brazen Vanduul raid) to date. The company receives discretionary honors from the UEE Navy.

2904 Night Wolf Securities, LLC is established from the remnants of the private militia enlistment initiative.

2901 The Terran Senate overrides Earth’s order and relieves Night Wolf from duty in the Synthworld system. No longer bound by covert government agendas, many operatives pursue alternate ventures.

2872 After the fall of the Messers, H.O.W.L. goes underground. The entire task force is reassigned as security on the Archangel Project.

2789 Night Wolf Operatives foil a system wide Vanduul counterinsurgency against the Xi’An. This sets the stage for groundbreaking peace agreements between Terra and the Xi’An race.

2758 (Attack on Boro). Skepticism in the UEE’s ability to maintain protection rages on.

2727 The Imperator’s power begins to show signs of waning.

2684 System transit routes are attacked with increased frequency. Due to a lack of protection from the UEE and pivotal economic shipments in constant jeopardy, Senators of Terra convene behind closed doors to initiate private militia enlistment objectives. [H.O.W.L. is commissioned]

2681 At the height of the Messer Era, humanity is viciously assailed by its greatest threat yet: the nomadic but cunning Vanduul. The Terran government scrambles to protect the numerous jump points throughout its nexus.


We are always out there


>> Night Wolf serves its own agenda: the wolves in its charge. All of our operatives are protectors of the lone wolf. Teaching how to recognize the call of the pack. To be courageous and defend the mission. Build your career in the premier security organization.


>> Guard a wide expanse of the stars. Discover the next jump point. Trade in the most valuable assets. As a securities and holdings corp., Night Wolf is self-sustaining and offers a wide range of billets and duties. Take part in growing into the future with us.


>> Always flying with ace pilots or running with crack shots. Night Wolf is made up of a consummate group of naval veterans and interstellar professionals. We collaborate with several organizations for the improvement of all. Our expectations are great, but the rewards are even greater.

Night Wolves are a core group of gamers that have become family with each other. We are always looking for more members to add to our group. We are pretty relax on rules for the moment. We play a variety of games ranging from FPS to turn based strategy to building games while we patiently wait on Star Citizen to become a reality. We use discord as our main way to staying in constant contact with each other. This will grant you entrance into our discord so we can get to know each other.

As stated above when Star Citizen finally is live release we will focus on PMC duties such as, taking escort, marine, high risk transport, and guard duty contracts for those that don’t want to risk their own assets or are not able to field enough military grade assets themselves. We aim to be self sufficient in all ways so all types of professions are welcome. Our current flag ship is an RSI Polaris. While we are small we have already gone to great length to create infrastructure for how the org will be run to assure smooth and profitable for everyone. Join up if your looking for fun and occasional very serious operations nights.


Night Wolf Securities & Holdings, L L C

October 24, 2913

Charter founded this day for the rights and model of private military enterprise. For it to be self-sustaining, incorruptible, and resolute. This codex mandates the establishment of Night Wolf Securities & Holdings, LLC operational departments. Procedural standards set forth herein are considered In Force under Section VI of Terran SB-471-FY2910.

——[ F L E E T ]——

Fleet Command is the strategic foundation of HOWL, as well as central control for all starship missions:
  • Plans, trains, and coordinates our component of starships
  • Carrier-based, intergalactic operations group
  • Dogfighting & troop deployment
  • Convoy escort
  • Station defense

——[ I N Q U I S I T I O N ]——

The Inquisition represents internal affairs. It assigns critical objectives to HOWL Fleet groups:
  • Distributes missions, bounties, and inquiries to operatives
  • Law enforcement / anti-boarding crew
  • Internal investigation

——[ M E R C H A N T ]——

Our Merchant Division guides HOWL through high value trade agreements with market consciousness:
  • Setup varied income streams
  • Broker merchant deals with other organizations
  • Remain current on all market trends & UEE TDD legislation

——[ A R T I F I C E ]——

Requisitions & Artifice handles resource gathering and manufacturing for HOWL:
  • Navigate uncharted systems with the latest surveying tools
  • Setup / maintain production at harvesting outposts
  • Research ship modifications, weapons, shields

——[ F I N A N C E ]——

The Office of Finance manages HOWL revenue sources for asset acquisition:
  • Maintain corporate inventory and transaction record
  • Develop profitable strategies for investment

——[ E M I S S A R Y ]——

Emissary is the HOWL liaison with other organizations, focusing on recruitment and government relations:
  • Ambassadors and corporate representatives
  • Departmental recruitment office
  • Evaluates human resources to administer hiring, promotions, and benefits