Supply or Die

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Interstellar Exploration Firm / IEF

  • Corporation
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Exploration
  • Trading

This is the IEF, a fleet dedicated to upholding the law. We provide several services, including, but not limited to, law enforcement, bounty hunting, freelancing, and fleet support. Are those pirates causing trouble again? Call on us, and they never will again!


The IEF was founded in 2014 by NATO (an old world alliance) and survived through till today. We pride ourselves in our long history of combat excellence and only recently have we found our new love of money, the one thing that can bring more ships and even more action. We see ourselves expanding into all corners of the galaxy and helping all those we can…for a price.


If the price is right.


Let it be known here, in the 164th general meeting of NATO on December 2nd, 2014, that the International Enforcement Fleet shall be created for the protection of the Earth’s waters from the growing threat of World War. This document shall outline its structure and can be amended by Fleet leaders when necessary.

Article 1
A joint task force from the nations in NATO shall be created in order to protect the world’s seas. This force shall consist of no smaller than twenty battleships, twenty-five destroyers, fifteen aircraft carriers, and twenty missile cruisers.

Article 2
This force shall answer directly to the NATO board and shall not interfere with nations who are not a part of any war with NATO.

Article 3
There shall be one Admiral of the Fleet, and four vice Admirals to carry out the orders. Standard U.S. Navy regulations will be followed by all crewmen of the fleet.

Article 4
In the event of NATO’s dissolution, the fleet may still exist if the former NATO nations do not recall their vessels.


1. Due to the dissolution of NATO, and the destruction of most of its members, the IEF is now an independent organization tasked with the destruction of all of the former NATO’s enemies and the establishment of World Order.

2. Due to the dissolution of the United Nations, the IEF now has full power to establish a new governmental order.

3. The IEF hereby hands over all governmental power to the UEE.

4. The IEF’s headquarters are now located in the former isles of Great Britain near the former city of London.

5. Due to the expansion into space, the IEF shall be hereby called the Interplanetary Enforcement Fleet.

6. Due to the expansion into other solar systems, the IEF shall be hereby known as the Intergalactic Enforcement Fleet.

7. Due to lacking funds, the IEF is now allowed to collect payment for services.