Independent Pilot's Guild / INDPG

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Defending freedom in the skies. Uniting diverse pilots against corporate control. Advocating fair regulations, fostering solidarity, and amplifying pilot voices in space. Join the flight for autonomy and exploration.


In the year 2930, ArcCorp, a once-thriving planet teeming with industrious cities and bustling trade ports, faced a period of unprecedented corporate expansion. As the galactic corporations vied for control over lucrative space routes and resources, stringent regulations were imposed upon space pilots navigating the skies above ArcCorp.

The conglomerates, wielding immense power and influence, sought to monopolize the interstellar trade by imposing strict rules and exorbitant fees on independent pilots. The pilots, essential for transporting goods and people across the planet and beyond, found themselves shackled by oppressive mandates enforced by corporate entities.

Frustration simmered among the pilots, whose livelihoods were threatened by the suffocating grip of corporate regulations. Many were forced into servitude or faced severe penalties for defying the mandates. It was amid this backdrop of corporate dominance that a group of visionary pilots, led by the renowned Captain Elena Voss, rose to challenge the status quo.

Gathering in clandestine meetings across ArcCorp’s hidden corners, these pilots forged the foundation of what would soon become the Independent Pilot’s Guild (IPG). United by their shared plight and a fervent desire for liberation, they clandestinely strategized, seeking ways to resist the corporate hegemony and restore freedom to the skies.

Captain Voss, a seasoned veteran and charismatic leader, rallied pilots from diverse backgrounds—freelancers, traders, smugglers, and explorers—to join the cause. Together, they devised clandestine communication networks and covertly shared information about corporate operations, circumventing the strict surveillance imposed by the conglomerates.

The IPG became a beacon of hope for beleaguered pilots, offering sanctuary, support, and a unified voice against the corporate tyranny. Through daring acts of defiance, they disrupted corporate supply lines, liberated detained pilots, and exposed the injustices perpetrated by the corporations to the public eye.

As the resistance gained momentum, the IPG evolved into a formidable force advocating for pilot rights, fair regulations, and open access to space routes. Their tenacity and unwavering dedication to their cause garnered widespread support from disenfranchised pilots and sympathetic factions across ArcCorp.

In a pivotal moment, Captain Voss and the IPG leaders orchestrated a coordinated series of protests, peaceful demonstrations, and strikes that captured the attention of the planetary authorities and galactic media. Their message reverberated across the cosmos, igniting a movement for pilot autonomy and challenging the corporate dominance over space travel.

Faced with mounting public pressure and the growing influence of the IPG, the corporations begrudgingly entered negotiations. After intense deliberations, a landmark agreement was reached, granting pilots greater autonomy, fairer regulations, and representation in decision-making processes concerning space travel on ArcCorp.

The formation of the Independent Pilot’s Guild marked a triumph of unity, resilience, and the indomitable spirit of those who dared to defy oppression. It stood as a testament to the power of collective action and paved the way for a new era of freedom and cooperation among pilots navigating the boundless expanse of the stars.

From that historic moment onward, the IPG stood as a guardian of pilot rights, ensuring that the skies above ArcCorp remained open to all who dared to explore the cosmos, free from the stifling grasp of corporate control.


We, the pilots of the Independent Pilots Guild (IPG), rise united against the oppressive constraints imposed upon us by corporate entities. We believe in the inherent right to navigate the stars freely, unshackled by undue regulations and monopolistic control. Our quest is for autonomy, fairness, and the preservation of the spirit of exploration that defines us as free beings.

Declaration of Principles:

Freedom of Navigation: Every pilot, regardless of affiliation or background, possesses the unalienable right to traverse the cosmos without impediment. Space is the collective heritage of all sentient beings, and no corporation shall monopolize its access or control.

Equitable Regulations: We advocate for regulations that ensure safety without stifling the entrepreneurial spirit of independent pilots. Fair and transparent rules shall govern space travel, fostering an environment where innovation and enterprise thrive.

Representation and Advocacy: The voice of pilots must be heard in matters that directly impact their profession. We demand representation in decision-making processes concerning space routes, trade agreements, and any policies affecting the pilot community.

Protection of Pilot Rights: Pilots shall not be subjected to exploitation, forced servitude, or unfair penalties for their choice of trade or independent operation. Respect for pilot rights and fair treatment under all circumstances shall be upheld.

Solidarity and Collaboration: We stand as a united front, extending our hand to fellow pilots in times of need. Collaborative efforts and mutual support among pilots shall strengthen our collective resilience against corporate coercion.

Preservation of Galactic Heritage: As stewards of the cosmos, we pledge to protect and preserve the natural wonders and diverse cultures encountered in our travels. Our exploration shall be conducted with respect for indigenous life forms, historical sites, and cosmic ecosystems.


The Independent Pilots Guild stands unwavering in its commitment to these principles. We invite all pilots who share our vision of a liberated and cooperative spacefaring society to join us in our pursuit of justice, equality, and the boundless freedom that the stars offer.

Together, we shall navigate the cosmos, not as subjects to corporate whims, but as free spirits exploring the vast wonders of the universe, bound only by the infinite possibilities that lie beyond.


Article I: Name and Purpose

Section 1: Name
This organization shall be known as the Independent Pilot’s Guild, hereafter referred to as the IPG.

Section 2: Purpose
The IPG is established to uphold the rights, promote the welfare, and advocate for the interests of independent pilots navigating the cosmos. It aims to foster unity, provide support, and ensure fair representation for pilots amidst corporate expansions and regulatory constraints.

Article II: Membership

Section 1: Eligibility
Any individual engaged in independent piloting endeavors, irrespective of background or affiliation, is eligible for membership in the IPG.

Section 2: Admission
Admittance into the IPG requires an affirmation of commitment to the principles outlined in the IPG Manifesto. Prospective members must apply and be approved by the guild’s governing body.

Section 3: Rights and Responsibilities
Members of the IPG shall have the right to participate in guild discussions, vote in elections, access guild resources, and seek assistance from the guild. They are expected to abide by the guild’s principles, support fellow members, and contribute to the betterment of the pilot community.

Article III: Governance

Section 1: Guild Council
The IPG shall be governed by a democratically elected Guild Council composed of representatives chosen by the members. The Council shall oversee the guild’s operations, enact policies, and represent the collective interests of the pilot community.

Section 2: Elections
Guild Council elections shall be held periodically, allowing members to nominate and elect representatives through a fair and transparent voting process.

Section 3: Leadership
The Guild Council shall appoint a President and other officers from among its members to oversee specific functions and duties within the guild.

Article IV: Functions and Activities

Section 1: Advocacy
The IPG shall advocate for the rights and fair treatment of pilots, negotiate with corporate entities, and engage in dialogue with planetary authorities to ensure equitable regulations and representation.

Section 2: Support and Resources
The guild shall provide assistance, guidance, and resources to its members, offering aid in legal matters, dispute resolution, and professional development.

Section 3: Community Engagement
The IPG shall organize events, seminars, and forums to foster camaraderie among pilots, share knowledge, and promote cooperation within the pilot community.

Article V: Amendments

This charter may be amended by a two-thirds majority vote of the Guild Council, subject to approval by the general membership in a democratic vote.

Article VI: Dissolution

In the event of dissolution, any remaining assets after the settlement of debts shall be distributed in a manner decided upon by a majority vote of the Guild Council and ratified by the general membership.