J.A.C - Joint Aerospace Command / JAC

  • Corporation
  • Regular
  • Exploration
  • Resources





27/11/2015 – As part of our constant pursuit for perfection, J.A.C Prime Council launches D.A.R.E program. The Definite Assets Report and Evaluation. This report will be released every 3 months. The same will be sent to every member through e-mail and will later be available through J.A.C website. The first D.A.R.E issue will be released 3 months after the first beta version of Star Citizen.

26/11/2015 – Another great day for J.A.C – The massive Hull-D was incorporated as another important asset for our great organization.

25/11/2015 – A benchmark is reached!! 2 R.S.I Orion were pledged today to make part of J.A.C fleet as possible sources of revenue.

22/11/2015 – An Anvil Super Hornet F7C-M and an Aegis Sabre were acquired by J.A.C to work on support and escort roles.

21/11/2015 – R.S.I Aurora MR was acquired by J.A.C to be used as a training asset for its members.

20/11/2015 – Prime Commander’s R.S.I Constellation Aquila was upgraded to the incredible and massive Anvil Carrack.

19/11/2015 – After 1 week of constant debate, The Prime Council decided! J.A.C will acquire the Anvil Crucible. The council considered it to be a great asset for all J.A.C’s members and affiliates.

01/11/2015 – Constellation Aquila acquired by The Prime Commander Bruno Panaro.

29/10/2015 – J.A.C first directives were written.

22/10/2015 – The Magnum Laws were created.

19/10/2015 – An Aurora LN is acquired as the first step into creating a new type of organization.

10/10/2015 – J.A.C concept was created by Bruno Panaro and Alvaro Perez.

2015 – With over a decade of experience as a squadron and being real life pilots, The 67th V.F.S stepped into the future and pledged on Robert Space Industries.

2011-2015 – After many successful campaigns flying the Ka-50 Black Shark, it was time for the A-10C Warthog. All the experience acquired through the years was decisive on all missions in the Crimea campaign.

2008-2010 – The 67th V.F.S switched over to D.C.S Black Shark, where they trained and later implemented new tactics for the Ka-50 Black Shark attack helicopter always holding top scores on every server.

2005-2008 – The squadron migrated to L.O.M.A.C flying the F-15 Eagle, Su-27 Flanker, Su-25 Frogfoot while keeping their dogfight skills on IL-2 Sturmovik flying Spitfires, P39s and other aircrafts helping Allies to conquer the skies for many years.

2004Miracle and Nighto met Alvaro “AMAGAD” Perez through the realistic General Dynamics F-16 Fighting Falcon game and together formed the 67th Virtual Fighter Squadron

2003 – Founding members Bruno “MIRACLEMAN” Panaro and Pedro “NIGHTO” Rohling met each other on their basic pilot course.



Created by real life pilots, J.A.C has its origin on the simple idea that good pilots can make the difference if they work toguether with good coordination and good C.R.M.

If a Hauler needs an escort, our organization is the answer.

If you need backup on a bounty hunt mission, or need an extra pair of hands on a mission against piracy, contact one of our brave members.

If you’re an explorer in need of a First Officer or Turret Operator, J.A.C is your answer.

Many organizations , corporations or militias rose under many objectives. Noble causes like exploration, trading or hauling, security, patrolling and mining. Providing knowledge through new discovers, products of first needs and also promoting the expansion of the universe throughout commerce and entrepreneurship.

J.A.C is no different!!


  • Increase our pilots skills through real life aspects of dogfighting, tatics and flight maneouvers. Facilitate goals through unity, partnership and common support.
  • Partnership on supply and combat
  • Promote exploration missions – Jump point plotting, system mapping and discovery, derelict ships recovery, discovery of alien assets and establishiment of new commercial routes.
  • Provide Support for Explorers with scouting and escorting on deep space exploration.
  • Profit Sharing based on role and risk assessment.

R.O.E – Rules of Engagement

J.A.C is a corporation that is focused on strategy and developing of good spacemanship. Our ships never engage enemies unless necessary. Our goal is to maximize profits, but that does not mean we run off a good and fair fight!

“The best fight is the one which can be avoided.”

Prime Commander Bruno Panaro

“The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.”

Sun Tzu

Prime Commander ‘s briefing:

  • Keep yourself calm, centered and think before acting.
  • A good mission planning is as important as its execution
  • Always make sure to identify your bogeys before engaging them.
  • J.A.C and its associates do have several affiliates and partners it is most likely that you’re encountering an allied than an enemy.
  • Never loose an opportunity to make new partners and acquire new assets.
  • All members of J.A.C are recruiters.

J.A.C the real art of flying is here!


J.A.C – Constitution

- Terms and Definitions -

Magnum Laws – Laws defined in the best interest of the corporation and necessary for the maintenance of order, trust and continuous operations. Those laws are beyond alteration by any member of J.A.C.

J.A.C directives and ranks -


  1. Prime Commander = Owns the responsibility of maintaining order internally on J.A.C.
  2. Prime Council = 3 Board Members elected by the senate through voting.
  3. Director of Operations = 4 star rank responsible for managing general organization of flight operations elected by the Prime Council
  4. Commander = 3 Star Rank member that has been promoted by the Prime Council for its services after 1 year.
  5. Captain =2 stars member that has been promoted by the Prime Council for its services after 6 months.
  6. Senior First Officer = 1 Star rank member that has been promoted by the Prime Council for its services after 3 months.
  7. First Officer = 0 star rank – New members with less then 3 months of membership.


  1. The Prime Council will promote tactics, projects, rules of ordinance, cargo acquirement, missions, reunions or any other activities that would be profitable, rewarding or beneficial to J.A.C.
  2. This Organization is a democratic entity an as such cannot control nor create prohibitions for its members activities.
  3. Unprovoked acts against other`s life or any other dishonored acts will be disowned.
  4. Every early promotions will be granted according to members participation, contribution, game hours and ship role . Those criteria were created to make sure every member is evaluated accordingly. All types of players will be treated equally and are considered important assets. Other than that, senority on the our organization prevails.

Magnum Laws

  1. All members of J.A.C are equals and are subjected to all laws of the organization.
  2. Every new member of the corporation that joined from another organization will be granted the rank which its previous superiors have granted him/her up to the limit of Commander rank.
  3. This Organization is a democratic entity an as such cannot control nor create prohibitions for its members activities.
  4. The Prime Commander is the only authority wich can negotiatiate with other corporations or declare war ,if necessary due to unprovoked atacks or engagements.