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Journey's Call / JOURN

  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Transport
  • Exploration

“The stars are our guide; the journey is our truth.”

The Church of the Journey is a community of travelers, explorers, and wanderers united by a shared love for Star Citizen’s vast universe. Our focus is not on where we are headed, but on the voyage itself.

“Answer the call, for the stars await.”


Founded by wanderers who saw more to the universe than just wealth or conquest, Journey’s Call embodies a reimagined take on the teachings of the Church of the Journey. Rather than fixating on a specific place as “home,” our members view the journey itself as the true home. As word spread, more like-minded travelers joined, forming a collective that cherishes knowledge, adventure, and camaraderie. Together, we answer the call to explore the unknown, with the Journey Orb as our guiding symbol.

This group, Journey’s Call was founded in 2024 with the launch of SC Alpha 3.24.2 and the Citizencon presentations enabling orgs and social tools to expand the universe.


The Journey Above All: Our purpose is to explore the universe in search of knowledge and experiences, not for material gain. The stars are vast, and every new system is an opportunity for discovery.

Strength in Unity: Whether charting distant stars, hauling cargo, or engaging in rescue missions, we work together to support one another’s journeys. Every member has something to offer, and every role is vital to our mission.

Free to Roam: While we celebrate individuality and independence, we find our greatest strength in community. We come together to share stories, knowledge, and the thrill of exploration.

Honor in the Stars: We uphold a code of ethics, refraining from piracy in lawful systems. Our goal is to build a reputation as trusted explorers, traders, and rescuers across the galaxy.

Life First, Always: Journey’s Call understands that life outside of Star Citizen is paramount. We appreciate the time and contributions of every member but understand that real-world commitments take precedence.

Home Is the Journey: We believe that “home” is a fluid concept, carried within us as we explore the stars. It’s not defined by any location but by the people we journey with and the memories we make.


I. Leadership Structure:
Journey’s Call operates under an egalitarian structure, where every member is valued equally. However, certain roles are designated to keep the group organized, and leaders exist to guide missions and assist others in their journeys.

Guides: Core leaders who organize larger missions and ensure that the organization’s philosophy and goals are maintained.
Pathfinders: Experienced explorers and navigators who lead expeditions and share knowledge with new members.
Voyagers: Logistics experts who manage cargo, refueling, and medical operations to keep our missions running smoothly.

II. Member Expectations:

Answer the Call: Each member is encouraged to participate in organizational activities—whether through exploration, hauling, or supporting the group in other ways. Mutual aid is a core principle.

Participation When Possible: While regular involvement is appreciated, real life always comes first. We strive to create a flexible and supportive environment for all.

Ethical Conduct: We maintain our reputation by adhering to a no-piracy policy in lawful systems and conducting ourselves with honor.

Support One Another: Journey’s Call is a family of explorers, and helping one another—whether with resources, advice, or teamwork—is part of our mission.