Kitchen Sink Kapitals / KSKPMC

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Freelancing
  • Security

This is the More-combat focused branch of Kitchen Sink Kapitals. This branch of KSK focuses its services on Raid’s, Assassination, Protection, Mercenary work, and Armed-Freight runs in Low Security & Contested space. For Less Combat focused jobs Please seek the services of our sister org at KSKCORP




KSK-PMC branch is a Small to Mid sized PMC Group That takes various Odd combat related jobs for the profit of the org & its members.

Below is a little ‘about us’ and overview of how we operate for potential members and clients alike.

For Potential Members:
When working a contract KSK will take 64% of the contracts revenue for the Organizations upkeep and expansion, and pay the remaining 36% out to its members that participated in the job/activity that generated the revenue.

For Potential Clients:
KSK Can be contracted to do the following:
Transpiration- of goods, vehicles, ships, personnel. (This service is only for HOT areas. For general low risk transport please contact our sister Organization KSKCORP)
Destruction- of player or Org Bases, Ships, and assassination of players.
Harassment- Outstanding contracts and bounties may be negotiated and established to have KSK attack the client’s target’s supply lines, bases, ships, members and other assets.
Security- Escorts of Miners &/or Cargo ships, construction site and base security. We can even be contracted to patrol areas of space valuable to the client and drive away interlopers such as a potential base building site, or a mining claim.
Extra Muscle/Bodies- KSK may even be contracted to fight along side the client to provide extra fighters & ships/vehicles for a clients operations as either a 1 time gig, or reoccurring contract. We will even aid in mining operations in contested areas. Though low intensity mining operations and other industrial related should be Sent to our sister group at KSKCORP.

Additional Info For Potential Clients:
The Price of specific jobs is negotiated on a case by case basis depending on the needs of the client.
Payment is upfront before the job starts. Payments may be refunded ONLY if KSK is unable to fulfill a job due to issues on our end before attempting the job.
Disclaimer: We make no promises on the ‘success’ of a job or operation due to the nature of the battlefield or any unforeseen circumstances, but we do promise to Professionally and competently make the attempt to fullfill what we were contracted to do. That being said most jobs are successful and go off without too many (and in most cases without any) issues.
However you must be aware that KSK is not in the business of losing expensive assets and getting tricked by its clients wanting to save a bit of credits because they lied on the threat evaluation part of the contract or laid a trap, or simple random misfortune strikes. As such if the threat escalates beyond the per-negioated ‘tolerable scope’, we at KSK reserve the right to Abort an operation, unless the client has paid for our Optional (At All Costs™) insurance ahead of time. In this event the contract fee will NOT be refunded, however (If applicable) any surviving cargo, vehicles or personnel that manage to evacuate safely will be returned to the client.

We also offer an Optional “At All Costs™” Insurance package. The cost of this package varies depending on the type of job, but it is usually 2-4x the cost of the job +the cost of insurance, ammo, and fuel for the assets deployed by KSK for the clients contract. Clients who purchase this insurance will not be refunded should a job fail. The only way to have this fee refunded is if KSK aborts a job before attempting it.

The benefit of this insurance is that if the situation of a contract suddenly changes becoming unprofitable and starts getting out of hand (say for example: a bunch of your enemies or randoms show up mid job and start shooting everything to hell) KSK will NOT Cancel the contract or evacuate the battlefield, and will instead attempt to accomplish it whatever the cost. We will quite literally engage in suicide runs if necessary to defend HVT/HVC (depending on the situation ofc), or fight until our ships and vehicles run out of ammo and are shot out form under us, at which point our survivors will attack the enemy with small arms until those too run out of ammo & we are forced to resort to hand to hand. They will QUITE LITERALLY have to kill every KSK member off the battlefield before we stop attempting to either accomplish our task or bleed the attackers as much as possible to avenge the failure.



1)Do not scam clients or pose as officials of KSK when: Working/Accepting/or negotiating jobs & contracts.
If you do not have the authority to accept a job on behalf of the KSK team (This requires a rank of 4 star or higher), then do not attempt to do so.

Members are free to accept (Personal jobs) on behalf of themselves.
And consequences of your Success or Failure when accepting personal jobs is entire upon you, and does not involve the Group. NEVER represent the org in a negative light OR attempt to damage its reputation. Reputation and word of mouth is very important in the PMC game, so attempts to damage KSKs rep will result in immediate termination if found guilty.

2)Members are NOT to reveal or talk to ANYONE about any Opsec information on Upcoming/Current/OR past KSK clients, They are also not allowed to reveal movement or scheduling of KSK members & or the deployments of our assets.
Opsec info also includes things like our Client’s name or client Org name/Location/Dates/Client Assets delivered/Client Forces deployed etc etc..
The one exception to this is if you are alone with and directly asked about the details form a KSK Officer ranked 4 star or above.

3) More to follow later…

Failure to abide by these rules at all times, will result in immediate termination from the group.