Mando'ade / MANDA

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Bounty Hunting
    Bounty Hunting
  • Freelancing

Education and armor,
Self-defense, our tribe,
Our language, our leader—
All help us survive.

The premier Mandalorian Organization within Star Citizen. Aliit ori’shya tal’din. Vode an.



On October 10th, 2939, a frontier miner in the Magnus system witnessed a heavily damaged ship fall out of a quantum jump. Initially believing the occupants to be pirates, due to the many long skulls painted on the hull, the miner immediately informed the militia. Upon first contact, over primitive radio signals, it became clear that the occupants of this ship did not speak english. From thermal and IR scans it also became clear that the ship was damaged and in no fighting shape. The militia peacefully brought the occupants on board- strong, athletic humanoids, taller than the average human, and clearly warriors. Over the course of a year, with the help of alcohol and a lot of hand gestures, the frontiersmen of the Magnus System and the mysterious strangers developed some basic communication. The mysterious strangers called themselves ‘Mando’ade, and said they came from the planet Mand’alor, so the frontiersmen colloquially began to refer to the newcomers as ‘Mandalorians.’


The Mandalorians described that theirs was an ancient culture, focused on war. Their ship’s jump drive had become heavily damaged in a battle, and in an effort to jump away, they lost control of the drive and it pulled them across their galaxy and into the next. It became clear that it would take decades for the Mandalorians to fix their ships, as they had no engineers on board. And even when they did, they would not know how to return to their galaxy. So the Mandalorians unanimously decided to focus their efforts on maintaining their culture and way of life, in this new galaxy. They unanimously voted for a new Mand’alor, their leader, Orome. As such, they have opened a new chapter in their history.

The relationship with the frontiersmen was good, as the Mandalorians respected their own ruggedness and tough nature. Many a fist fight occurred, but nothing that could not be healed with drinks at the space bar.


Then the Vanduul came.

The Vanduul raiding parties had been harassing the Magnus system for decades, but there had not been any incursions since the Mandalorian ship arrived. The Mandalorians were fascinated by the Vanduul. Their clan structure, their merciless ferocity in a fight, and their blade based culture struck a chord with the Mandalorians. In addition, their tusks and general head structure reminded the Mandalorians of their own cultural ancestors, the Tuang. However any and all attempts to open up dialogue with the Vanduul failed.

Regardless, the Mandalorians made it their mission to capture Vanduul ships and knives, and even adopted their skull to represent the new Mandalorian clan.

New Chapter

In their past lives, this merry band of Mandalorians had been bounty hunters and mercenaries. When the frontiersmen heard this, and watched the Mandalorians in combat against the Vanduul swarms, their eyes lit up- there’s always plenty of work for bounty hunters and mercenaries in the ‘verse.

And so begins a new chapter for the Mandalorians in the ‘verse. They have begun to recruit new members into their family. Gender, race, these do not matter, only an acceptance of the language, and the way of life. With their new symbol, new leader, and new home, the Mandalorians are making it their mission to once again be the most feared bounty hunters in the galaxy, one step, one recruit, at a time.

Mando’ade is not just an organization. It is a way of life. Family is blood. Brothers all.


Our Goal: To become the most fearsome Bounty Hunters in the galaxy.
Our Requirements: A microphone, Discord, and a teamwork-oriented mindset.
Our Code:
Never kill and innocent or unarmed person
Give aid to those that need it
Never break a promise
Always help your brothers- Mando’ade first- have your back
Spread our culture and message, actively recruit- always be open and friendly
Never engage in unwarranted piracy- privacy is another story
Guilt by association is death by association
Accept surrender
Never a die a coward
Never be racist, Mado’ade are of many cultures and creeds
The mission comes second only to your brothers
We negotiate with everyone
18+ (some exceptions: e.g. Sexy voice)
Communication is our founding principle
Mic absolutely necessary
You must be a part of our discord
Commitment: regular, weekend events, during the week do what you want, roll with us, roll with your other crew
Accept all clients, except those who seek to harm innocents, we’re not murderers, we’re Mandalorians
Any all contracts must be mutually beneficial
Honesty is integral
White lies add up

Secondary Specifications:


2940 Mando’ade Charter

Founded: ____

Recruited First Member: ____