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Marauder Squadron / MARAUDERHQ

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Social
  • Security

WELCOME to Marauder Squadron. An Org dedicated to everything Star Citizen! At Marauder Squadron we do everything there is to do in the ‘Verse. A welcoming Discord, & friendly & helpful members will make you feel right at home whether you’re a new player, or a ‘Verse Veteran



A Long Time Ago, in a variety of other games, far, far away, the Four Founders realised that what we really wanted out of a Star Citizen Org, was just a chill and friendly place to talk, chat, crew-up, and share tips and tales from the ‘Verse, both of joy, and sorrow.


We threw ideas for things back and forth for some time, before deciding that ultimately, people want to enjoy Star Citizen, so we made a place where, no matter what you want to do, at Marauder Squadron you will find others to crew up, learn with, and learn from. The Org quickly took shape, and grew to a nicely sized group of weird and wonderful crewmates, making every situation encountered memorable. We celebrate each others achievements, and mourn our failings – together.


As we nursed the Org, it very quickly began to evolve on its own, with growing numbers, came more ideas. things were implemented to make life easier in the ‘Verse, with things popping up like R1VSTA’s flight school, where you can learn the very basics of flying your ship, or the most advanced dog-fighting tips, together in a group. We also have our very Own News Paper, The Stanton Chronicle, where you can see regular breakdowns of the goings on in the ‘Verse from both within, and outwith the Org.


What’s in store for the future of Marauder Squadron? We strongly encourage you to come by and find out!! With an already dense, rich, and evolving Org Lore, looking forward has only good things in sight for us. And with the upcoming release of new locations, and new things to see in the’Verse, we’d love to have you aboard to experience the new Universe…………………..


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To Immerse Ourselves in The ‘Verse

We love Star Citizen, and want to know all of its quirks and idiosyncrasies. We want to learn this knowledge in the hopes of being able to enjoy the ‘Verse, and to help you to enjoy it too.

To assist you

We want to help you with anything we can in the ‘Verse. There is always someone to help you with anything you might need in Stanton. Be it ship advice, contract help, back-up, or anything at all.

To Thrive in the ‘Verse

They say there’s strength in numbers. We have them. Together we will build a name and a bank balance together, unprecedented in the Stanton System. And we intend to move this achievement into PYRO and beyond. We want YOU to be part of this expansion alongside Marauder Squadron

To write our own story in the ‘Verse

We want the things that happen to each of us, to be chained together somehow, to plant the seeds of society, we want you to come by and nurture it to a blossoming garden of lore. A home in the ‘Verse for you to call your own, a sanctuary for those new to the game, a safe haven or the weary, and reinforcements for the downtrodden.

Click HERE to join our Discord!


Marauder Squadron Charter of Law

1 Be civil and communicate respectfully. Differences of opinion are okay; personal attacks are not. Messages or content that are threatening, abusive, sexually explicit (NSFW), offensive, hateful, derogatory, defamatory, or are racially, ethnically, or otherwise objectionable content are not tolerated;
Direct & Indirect Threats, Threats to other users of DDoS, Death, DoX, abuse, and other malicious threats are absolutely prohibited and disallowed;

2 Keep politics out of the community. Marauder Squadron does not want to encourage or host political debates about real-world events within our organization. We are here to have fun and cooperate with members of all backgrounds and nationalities;

3 Do not spam channels. Comments, questions and contributions should be relevant to the topic of a channel or thread. Jokes should be tasteful in execution, not excessive;

4 Do not post personal identifiable information, such as your age or location. Respect the privacy of other members, and respect their decisions and identities;

5 Do not use offensive, hateful, vulgar, or explicit images or statements as your avatar, banner, or biography;

6 Report misconduct to the Moderator Team, and not attempt to publicly name and shame individuals or swathes of individuals in public channels. Everyone makes mistakes, and they deserve to have those mistakes kept private.

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