• Organization
  • Casual
  • Exclusive
  • Freelancing
  • Exploration

MOG Nation is a community of like-minded, adult gamers ranging from Casual to Hardcore. We are an established and mature gaming community encompassing all aspects of the game such as combat, exploration, trading and even… “liberating” cargo.

MOG Nation… United We Game!


Welcome to MOG Nation!

MOG Nation was formed, from what we believe, out of necessity. As gamers, we got tired of having to join a guild for a specific game, make new friends, get tired of the game, quit the guild, find a new game, join a new guild, make new friends, rinse and repeat. Being adult gamers (most of us over 30), we also craved a community of mature individuals who actually ACT like adults as well. Building a friendly, ethical community with members that have an understanding and respect for one another is our goal. MOG Nation will serve as a social hub for gamers to make new friends and KEEP THEM, no matter what game you’re playing.

So what does “MOG” stand for? It stands for “Multiplayer Online Games”. But here at MOG Nation, we stand for much more than a name. We are a dedicated family of gamers that strive to build a community around these concepts:

  • Players with a mutual respect for each other
  • Having an open mind to the schedules of working professionals and parents
  • Encompassing a wide range of play styles from Hardcore to Casual
  • Players interested in ALL aspects of gameplay from PvP to PvE to Crafting and Exploration
  • Players not afraid to branch out and try many different games
  • Community members that want to engage in productive discussions about the gaming industry

MOG Nation aims to be the premier “one-stop shop” for all your Gaming, Guild and Podcasting needs! Let MOG Nation be the last gaming community you’ll ever need!

Why join MOG Nation?

Members and guilds affiliated with MOG Nation will have access to a large player base of like-minded, mature gamers to discuss and play their favorite titles. Have you ever had that guilty feeling for leaving a guild because you want to play another game? Then you have to go through the agony of finding another guild for that new game!

Joining MOG Nation will allow you to be a part of a large community AND play the games you want, when you want.

If MOG Nation interests you, feel free to click the “Join Now” button for more information on how to apply. We are always looking for additional members to join our community and we look forward to hearing from you!


Star Citizen is one of the official Game Chapters of MOG Nation. We won’t be focused on any one activity in the game, rather we will accept and strive to support all styles of play. Exploration, economy, combat, support, mining, trader, etc… we will support it all! Hardcore players will find a nice competitive home in our community and casual players will be welcomed with open arms. We definitely understand that life occasionally gets ahead of you and things like family and career are more important than gaming. You will not be kicked for inactivity nor be removed from the guild for not attending guild functions.

There will be three primary Divisions within our Chapter that will focus on the various roles within Star Citizen, each managed by a Senior Officer.

Military Division

The Military Division is tasked with both offensive and defensive combat missions. Whether protecting our trade lanes, escorting high-profile personnel, or engaging in various raids and/or conquest missions, these are the men and women tasked with representing and enforcing the might of MOG Nation.

Economy Division

The Economy Division is the backbone of MOG Nation. These individuals are the ones supporting through trade, mining, hauling, crafting, and other various forms of monetary gain. Through them we are able to fuel, equip, and supply our Nation’s might. It is up to them to expand our economical empire throughout the known universe.

Exploration Division

The Exploration Division is not only tasked with charting out unknown areas of space, but also with researching into new technology that will keep MOG Nation ahead of the competition. If you desire to strap into your Freelancer and head out into the deep, unforgiving blackness of space to look for new star systems, uncover rare materials, or scavenge derelict space stations and ships for valuable technology, then this is the Division for you.


Code of Conduct

1. Respect the decisions made by our administrators and guild leaders. We will do our best to be impartial and fair in all matters.

2. If you have a problem, please follow the Chain of Command and keep disputes private. Publicly disrespecting guild leadership, for any reason, is a CoC violation.

3. When in doubt, keep it family friendly! The default status for all of MOG is a family friendly environment. Certain guilds in the MOG Nation and channels on the mumble server may be designated rated R. Crude or adult language may only be used in these designated areas/guilds. However, you may not verbally or sexually harass, defraud, threaten, cause distress, and/or give unwanted attention to other members. Sexually explicit, harmful, threatening, overly abusive, defamatory, unnecessarily obscene, hateful, racially or ethnically offensive language is prohibited. This is to include, user names, signatures and or any links in your posts or profile. You may not distribute post, publish, upload, disseminate or discuss defamatory, infringing, obscene, sexual, racist or any unlawful materials like pornography or illegal drugs including images, audio, video, links, or text. Also, posted material about controversial topics such as (but not limited to) politics, religion, racism, sexism, or sexual orientation is also prohibited. These actions will not be tolerated!

4. You may not misrepresent yourself (age, affiliation, history, etc) on your application.

5. Do not post anything that would obligate or request MOG Nation members to participate in events such as: protests, boycotts, petitions, demonstrations, or charitable donations without the approval of the MOG Nation leadership. This includes using the MOG Nation/MOG Radio name and/or logo.

6. You may not send or make available any unsolicited or unauthorized advertising, solicitations, promotional materials, “junk mail,” “spam,” “chain letters,” “pyramid schemes,” or any other form of solicitation without the permission of the leadership. This includes solicitation in-game as well as in the real world, including but not limited to transactions of both real money and in-game currency.

7. MOG Nation administrators reserve the right to edit or delete any post that conflicts with the CoC. Creating new threads with the same topic as a thread which has previously been closed or deleted by an administrator is not allowed.

8. Many of us enjoy having a few brews while we game. Please monitor your behavior while you drink & game. If you don’t, we’ll have to do it for you.

9. MOG Nation members shall uphold any user agreements, EULA or CoC for ANY game that they may play. MOG Nation will not be responsible for policing your actions in games regarding game exploits which include cheating, use of third party programs, purchasing items or in game gold for real money, using a power leveling service and any other actions which might get your game account suspended or banned. All (potential or perceived) exploits will be immediately reported to the appropriate Game Developers and/or guild leadership of the game involved. Any member banned from ANY game for violating in-game rules will be removed from the MOG Nation. Lack of integrity is a quality that is unwelcome in the community and will be dealt with as such.

10. While representing the MOG Nation, you may not violate any local, state, national or international law or post any content that would encourage or provide instructions for a criminal offense. This includes hacks, emulators, and/or services that violate copyrighted material.

11. You are responsible for your in-game and site accounts and as such you should keep your account information to yourself. You may not register for more than one MOG Nation account unless permission is granted by an administrator.

12. Our private voice-over-IP channels are just that….Private. Under no circumstances is any member permitted to share the log-in information with anyone outside of the MOG Nation. You are not to post the information anywhere including in-game guild chat unless approved an administrator. MOG Nation will host public channels for non-members.

13. MOG Administrators reserve the right to remove any member from the community at any time. Rest assured there will always be a valid reason and the potential removal of any member of the community will be taken very seriously.

14. NDA Violations: Due to the media relations side of the MOG Nation, our members frequently receive invites to game Alpha and Beta Tests. MOG Nation members that are operating under any Non-Disclosure Agreements are expected to maintain those agreements while representing the MOG Nation Community. This includes forums, videos, blogs, VOIP’s, social media or any other avenue (inside and outside of MOG) that allows you to disclose information about the game you have been entrusted to test. The MOG Nation will take these violations seriously and we will work with game developers to punish any such violators. If caught, violators will be immediately removed from the MOG Nation.

15. Inactivity in the MOG Nation will be handled as follows:

  • Member accounts will be deleted from the MOG Nation roster after one year of inactivity, unless an adminsitrator is notified of a prolonged absence.
  • Inactivity in individual games will be left up to the Guild Master of that particular game. Guild members that are removed from a game roster due to inactivity will NOT also be removed from the MOG Nation roster unless their profile shows inactivity for more than one year.
  • To notify the leadership of an upcoming absence, or if you believe you were removed from the roster by accident, simply send a private message to an administrator.

All violations of the Code of Conduct will be taken seriously. A severe violation is grounds for immediate expulsion from the MOG Nation. Reporting of violations of the Code of Conduct will remain confidential.

We are very serious about keeping our gaming environment free of extreme behavior and poor attitudes. If you are looking to avoid being a subject of scrutiny, all you have to do is be an adult, act respectfully at all times, be nice and don’t force the leadership to take on a parental role.