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Naval Escort and Logistics / NEAL

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Security
  • Freelancing

NEAL is a lawful military company with a focus on escort and other military operations.


2021/2951: the org NEAL was founded as a private military company with hirable service primarily for escorting ships during industrial activities.

We successfully took part in multiple events like Xeno Threat and Nine Tails Lockdown sometimes even by ourselves as an org when no one else was there.

2022/2952: This org has become an elite group of PvP/PvE pilots and things like destroying pirate Idrises or even capturing them to use them for missions has become an almost daily routine

Its a fact that we already have some experience in using Idrises in combat.

Due to the increment of our strength (The N.E.A.L. 500k dps Fleet) we decided to add military fleet operations to our major tasks while escort is still our main purpose.

Current status: Ready


This military company was originally founded as a pure combat org to serve as an escort protection during industrial activities as well as doing other military operations and missions (PvP and PvE). Although we perform great in combat, we see ourselves more as peacekeepers and tend to go for diplomatic solutions first. We dont want to appear like those orgs of brainless brawlers who just shoot everything thats red and cause endless escalations.

Unintentionally we have slowly evolved into a self sufficient org with a large variety of different gameplays such as mining or trading. This independent organization is a home for people who are looking for an active place to live and work together.
We always like to build up relations with other organizations and cooperate with them.

Our service can be hired by any lawful organization:

Combat is our element and the open space our main territory. If we re good at something then its escort for industrial activities and convoys as well as being superior in military operations during events in a large scale.
Our pride is The N.E.A.L. 500k dps Fleet.

Occasionally we can help out with logistics, resupply and other industrial related work. Transporting hundreds of 32-scu containers safe and secure from one side of the verse to the other wouldn’t be a challenge for us.


The rules:

- Be respectful to others and obey the orders.

- It is required to have Discord as this is our way of communication. (being able to speak fluent English is necessary)

- Everyone has equal value here but as always there is a rank system to keep a reliable structure.

- We want members who take things seriously when the situation calls for it.

- At this point its worth mentioning that you can not override facts with opinions but you can always abrogate opinions with facts.

- Arguing with randoms in a non polite way is under our would. We just dont do that.

- The ranks are based on proven reliability, skills and experience (promotions are possible).

- Any kind of illegal activity or disregard of rules or orders counts as crime and must be reported to our leadership. anyone who watches silently is considered as an accomplice.

- By submitting an application or accepting an invitation, you confirm that you agree with these rules. Violations of these rules or negligent actions that result in a violation of these rules will not be tolerated.