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Nebula 9 / NEBULA9

  • Corporation
  • Regular
  • Piracy
  • Smuggling

“Control your destiny.”

We are the parent organization of the Nebula 9 Network.
Subsidiary of Cloud Nexus, 2nd tier subsidiary of Cloud 9, Inc.

Information: | Chat: Cloud 9 Chat



Announcement of multi-network structural expansion of the Cloud 9 Framework.


Career possibilities take shape parallel to developments with counterpart.


Experimental crews in counterpart org pave the way for potential paths for N9.


Nebula 9 founded. Information to remain undisclosed for next 5 years.


Original org in network founded, the law-abiding counterpart to this outlaw org.


Imagine this: “In a world where humanity had yet to leave Earth and was on the brink of extinction, one alien race stood between the life and death of a species. Little did they know of the aliens’ true intent until it was too late.”

In Cloud 9 Lore, Nebula 9 is an alternate universe version of Cloud 9, only with one major difference: our counterparts are outlaws. However, the legal nature of the group is relative to the perspective of the inhabitants of each ‘verse. There, they were seen as a network of explorers with fleets reaching across galaxies. Here, they are seen as a criminal organization, and we don’t know what happened to the rest of their fleets.

Characters in C9 in this ‘verse have dark and twisted counterparts in N9 in that ‘verse, and some of those counterparts even have goatees. After they found their way into our universe, they discovered that we exist as their counterparts. Both groups needed help, C9 with matters outside the law, which could not be handled due to being lawful, and N9 with being integrated into life in this ‘verse, even if they preferred to profit through “alternative revenue streams”. The groups made arrangements to support each other, and the rest is history.

Both Nebula 9 and Cloud 9 are part of Cloud Nexus. Nebula 9 maintains its premise as an outlaw organization and, while its in-lore fleets are gone, it was and will one day again be the leadership organization for additional orgs in the Nebula 9 Network. Essentially, they are a mirror image, but darker mirror image version of the Cloud 9 Network.

Aligning with the guild The Council, activities that Nebula 9 crews will participate in include just about anything that is extralegal and illegal, along with defending N9 & C9 orgs and VIP protection for N9 & C9 orgs (all under the cover of villainy), infiltration through their own PMC, bounty hunting the bounty hunters, covert operations, rescue / SAR ops for N9 and C9, many opportunities for first-person combat, ground vehicle and ship combat, and acts such as destroying, killing, disabling, recovering, extracting, scanning, locating, arson, bribes & intimidation, capture, investigations, smuggling, piracy and ship-jacking, crafting (chemicals), racing (fixing/fraud), accessing data, and patrols.

Although this organization’s activities in the ‘verse are on hold until we make progress with Cloud 9, this group may begin to brainstorm ideas at some point in the time leading up to its activation.


Primary Activity: Exploration (Cloud 9 Lore)

Primary Activity: Organized Crime

Guild Alignment: The Council

Pyro Alignment: Headhunters (provisional)

Nebula 9 Network: Parent Organization

“Alternate Universe” Version of Cloud 9 (Cloud 9 Lore)

Internal lawful & unlawful coordination with Cloud 9 Network

More information available on Cloud 9 website linked above.