Supply or Die

Choose your allegiance and help shape the future of a system in turmoil through daring supply runs and missions across Pyro’s reaches – play now for limited-time faction rewards!!


Omicron Northern Freelancing / ONF

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Freelancing
  • Bounty Hunting
    Bounty Hunting

Omicron Northern Freelancing… A name you can trust to get things done right. Whatever you need, ONF can do for you, at the right price.


Welcome to Omicron Gaming – Website

We are an open acceptance gaming community with a compass inspired organization system. The various genres are spread out over the four different directions. When you join you pick two direction majors to start and minors can be added on later. This allows us to move you in with other gamers of your type, making community more fun and rewarding for all. To cross the border and connect gamers together, we move commonalities in varied directions and point them to one direction, forcing the others to come over to have that extra feature. Mainly in the lesser directions to even out attention. The East hosts Tournaments while the West runs servers. That should pull in people from the Polar Directions and give Horizontal more attention.


Here at Omicron Northern Freelancing, we are always focused on customer satisfaction. From Bounty Hunting to Escorting to Intimidating to Assassinating, we strive to leave our mark on the galaxy.
We all have come from varied backgrounds, and that reflects in our work. We all bring a different flavor to the Company, so we are a well rounded group ready for any tasks that come our way. Be sure to send your feedback to our services, but keep it quiet please. We wouldn’t want to attract the wrong attention, now would we?


Our esteemed leaders are currently in the works of creating by-laws. Please be patient.