Open Sky Industrial Services / OPENSKY

  • Corporation
  • Regular
  • Exclusive
  • Resources
  • Transport

“To Discover the unknown, and conquer its vast depths.” – Unknown.

Welcome to our Corporate Operation Center. To Serve Your Industrial Needs.

Visit Our Website For More!.

Join Our Comms.


Founded, 2952



We began our journey of what might be a very long time. Beyond the vast 
depths of the endless black, we approach it with full intent and hope that we will find something out there in the endless sea of night………

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11/28/2954 – Happy Thanksgiving!
10/31/2954 – Happy Halloween!
07/04/2954 – Happy 4th (America)! (US)
03/31/2954 – Happy Easter!
01/01/2953 – Happy New Year!
12/24/2953 – Merry Christmas Everyone!
10/31/2953 – Happy Halloween!
11/23/2953 – Happy Thanksgiving!
07/30/2953 – Happy Birthday, Open Sky Industrial Services!
07/04/2953 – Happy Fourth Of July! (US)
01/01/2953 – Happy New Year!
12/25/2952 – Merry Christmas!
11/23/2952 – Happy Thanksgiving!
10/31/2952 – Happy Halloween!
07/30/2952 – Open Sky Industrial Services, Founded


Our Destination.

As we are primarily after resources, we also harbor the reserves of covering all the bases. We intend on keeping all organizing in house.
No outside involvement. We will need to grow and sustain numbers in order to make this happen. This will take time, and patience.

Our Adventure.

We will be coordinating in house on locations that will suit our needs and creating missions for our employees to execute and collect an assortment of materials or deliver items to specific locations or corporations that hire us to bring goods and services.

Our Arrival

Upon arriving in our desired star system, we plan to map and locate the area of our operations. Once complete we will begin extracting the raw minerals and goods in the surrounding area to bring a high quality valuables to our clientele. In turn we plan to create long lasting relationships with our business partners.

To Conclude

We are expecting our employees to do jobs in the verse, whether it be by contract or mission. But we don’t expect our employees to only work for the Corporation. Our belief is that you as a citizen have decided to join us, we only ask a fraction of your time and the rest is up to you.


Corporate Policy.

We Are An Equal Opportunity Employer.

Section 1:General Rules.

1.) There will be no toleration for prejudice, racial, or sexism within our Corporation. Zero Tolerance!
2.) Real Life takes precedence over this game and the corporation.
3.) If at anytime you need to take a break please notify someone so we can do an accurate roster check.

Section 2:Membership Requirements.

1.) This is an exclusive Corporation. This means if you are apart of other Orgs we must be set to Primary.
2.) You will not redact or hide your affiliation with us or from other Orgs while apart of this Corporation.
3.) We are not about inflated numbers, however given the fact the game is in early development we don’t expect people to play continuously. With that being said, once the game is considered a “Finished Live” version of itself. We will be removing non active members SIX months after this time.
4.) We are not a Pirate Corporation and DO NOT condone to piracy. (However what you do on your time is up to you, so long as it doesn’t impede on the Corporations reputation.)

Section 3:Corporate Ladder.

1.) We promote off of Merit, Participation, and Tenure.
2.) You must run a stent of 30 days and complete our Corporate Certification Fleet Test to be promoted from Intern to a Junior member. [However its not required to play, and participate. Just to climb the ladder.]

Section 4:Rules Of Engagement.

1.) There will be no malicious conflict within the Corporation unless its meant to be an agreed duel, part of a training scenario, or an event that puts you against another member.
2.) We will not openly engage in conflict with others, however once fired upon and attacked not just provoked. Then retaliation is just.