Supply or Die

Choose your allegiance and help shape the future of a system in turmoil through daring supply runs and missions across Pyro’s reaches – play now for limited-time faction rewards!!


Old Timers Guild / OTG

  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Trading
  • Exploration

Laid back, not too serious, no drama…all about the fun.


In-Game Lore

Old Timers Guild (OTG) is a professional association of independent starship owners and operators, founded in 2902 by a group of retired UEE officers. The organization is interstellar in scope, with members residing in many UEE-controlled systems as well as some independent systems.

In 2900, budget constraints forced a downsizing of UEE fleet strength. Among many cost-saving measures that were implemented was a lowering of the fleet’s mandatory retirement age, with involuntary early retirement for those already over age. Many of the officers affected by this change had known one another for decades, and had formed close professional ties. It was only natural that they continued their association following their early retirement, and in 2902 this association was formalized with the creation of the Old Timers Guild.

A large percentage of the founding officers took advantage of the early retirement bonus they had received, and invested in personal starships and equipment. Putting to good use the experience they had gained in fleet service, they began civilian careers as starship pilots and captains with immediate success. Whether running bulk cargo along well-established trade routes, moving high-priority cargo through high-risk space, flying anti-piracy escort, hunting wanted criminals for the lucrative bounties, exploring the ragged edges of known space, extracting valuable resources from asteroids, or any of several other pursuits, members of OTG found their professional network an invaluable source of information and of trusted allies.


Over time, as the success of the founding members continued and their reputation grew throughout the universe, others came to join with them in their business venture. Although all of the founding members and most current OTG members are former UEE military officers, that is not a requirement for membership. Many OTG members own their own starship, but some serve as crew members on fleet vessels. The primary criteria for membership is that the applicant be “of good character” and not have any active warrants with the UEE. Membership applications are considered on a case-by-case basis and reviewed by the staff. Members are expected to abide by a Code of Conduct which emphasizes integrity, encourages civility and discourages disreputable behavior.


Old Timers Guild is a multi-game guild that was formed in 2005 as an answer to the question, “Wouldn’t it be nice to game with like-minded mature gamers who just want to have some fun?” We have active chapters in every AAA MMO plus many FPS and niche games. As of April of 2015, we have over 9,000 members in all games, and we anticipate a very strong presence in Star Citizen.

We are a global gaming community with members from all walks of life aged 25 to 80ish. Everything we are is built on the premise that gaming is fun and we prefer to do it without any drama. We truly believe in our motto: “Laid Back, Not Too Serious, No Drama…All About The Fun.”

In Star Citizen, we plan to accommodate every playing style from casual PvE-only to serious PvP. Our guild will conduct every type of legitimate mission available in the Star Citizen ‘verse, including exploration, trade, combat (convoy escort, piracy suppression, and others), bounty hunting, mining, salvage, FPS (boarding actions, planetary assaults, etc.), research and development, and others. We will strive together to forge OTG’s reputation in the Star Citizen ‘verse.


Charter Pending