PriorityOne Corporation / P1CORP

  • Corporation
  • Regular
  • Trading
  • Security

We are a Trade and Security Corporation looking for members interested in either or.
If you want to be able to run cargo safely or be a part of a security team running operations
This is an org for you.

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The Birth of PriorityOne Corporation

2866: As humanity expanded its presence among the stars, the Stanton system emerged as a pivotal hub for trade and commerce. It was against this backdrop that PriorityOne Corporation was founded. Recognizing the need for security in an ever-expanding and sometimes perilous galactic market, P1Corp set out to create a company that would provide both trade services and top-tier security solutions.

2870s-2890s: PriorityOne quickly gained a reputation for excellence. They provided secure trade routes, defended against piracy, and offered state-of-the-art security systems for businesses operating in the Stanton system. Their fleet of heavily armed transport ships, known as the “Sentinel Convoy,” became a symbol of safety for traders and corporations alike.

2900s-2920s: As the Stanton system continued to grow economically, PriorityOne diversified its services. Security division began to expand into Bounty Hunting, and privatized Mercenary work. They established their own Mining and Salvaging division to help cut their own cost in the trade market, furthering their finical benefits.

2930s-2950s: PriorityOne Corporation faced its fair share of challenges, from corporate espionage to hostile alien encounters. However, their commitment to innovation allowed them to adapt and thrive. They pioneered advanced security drone technology, which became the standard for safeguarding valuable cargo in the turbulent universe.

2960s-2980s: PriorityOne expanded beyond Stanton, offering its services throughout the known galaxy. They secured trade routes in uncharted territories, established partnerships with major corporations, and played a crucial role in maintaining stability during political conflicts.

2990s-Present (30th Century): In the 30th century, PriorityOne Corporation remains a trusted name in trade and security. With offices on numerous planets and outposts across the galaxy, they continue to provide essential services to interstellar corporations, governments, and independent traders. Their commitment to ethical business practices, state-of-the-art security technology, and sustainable trade has earned them a place as a respected galactic institution.


PriorityOne intends on building and progressing our company and members financially by providing necessary assets to help streamline
Our Commerce Division can run high value trade routes safely without fear of pirated knowing our quick action Security Teams are on stand-by.
Our Security/Mercenary Teams can hunt bounties, clear out enemy held bunkers, respond to service beacons, or escort our Commerce Division.


Our Board of Directors will unveil our official corporate statements soon. Please come back for updated information.