PanOptic Motorsports / PANOPTIC

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PanOptic Motorsports, a trailblazing force in the realm of space racing. With cutting-edge technology and a passion for pushing boundaries, our team of fearless engineers, pilots, and visionaries push the limits and establish a new meaning for ‘speed’. Join us now and experience the thrill!!


Panoptic Motorsports is a space racing organization that was founded in 2942 by a group of thrill-seeking pilots who wanted to push the limits of speed and skill in the vastness of space. The name Panoptic comes from the Greek word for “all-seeing”, reflecting our motto: “See everything, race anything”.

We were inspired by the legendary Murray Cup, the oldest and most prestigious space racing competition in the UEE. We wanted to emulate the spirit of the Murray Cup, but also explore new challenges and opportunities in the emerging field of space racing. We started by organizing informal races among ourselves and our friends, using whatever ships and courses we could find or create.

Soon, we gained a reputation for hosting some of the most exciting and daring races in the Verse. We attracted more racers and spectators, as well as sponsors and media attention. We also expanded our scope and variety of races, from classic circuit races to endurance races, from asteroid fields to planetary rings, from stock ships to custom builds.

We pride ourselves on being inclusive and innovative. Anyone can join our organization, regardless of their race, background, or affiliation. The only requirements are a passion for racing and a willingness to follow the rules and respect the other racers. We also encourage our members to experiment with new technologies and designs, as well as to share their knowledge and feedback with each other.

We have faced many challenges and risks over the years. We have had to deal with hostile environments, technical malfunctions, accidents, pirates, outlaws, and even Vanduul attacks. We have also had to navigate the complex and sometimes conflicting laws and regulations of different systems and planets. Despite these difficulties, we have always persevered and thrived, thanks to the dedication and camaraderie of our members.

Today, we are one of the most respected and successful space racing organizations in the UEE. We have won several awards and trophies, including the coveted Murray Cup in 2947. We have also established partnerships and alliances with other racing organizations, such as the Banu Souli Racing League and the Xi’an Racing Association. We have also contributed to the advancement of space racing as a sport and a culture, by promoting safety standards, ethical practices, and public awareness.

We continue to pursue our vision of seeing everything and racing anything in the Verse. We are always looking for new members, new races, new challenges, and new adventures. We are not afraid to explore the unknown, to push the boundaries, and to have fun along the way. We are Panoptic Motorsports: The All-Seeing Racers.


We are Panoptic Motorsports, the all-seeing racers. We are a space racing organization that believes in seeing everything and racing anything in the Verse.

We are driven by our passion for speed, skill, and adventure. We are not bound by any limits or rules, except those we set for ourselves and our fellow racers. We are always looking for new challenges and opportunities to test our abilities and improve our performance.

We are inclusive and innovative. We welcome anyone who shares our love for racing, regardless of their race, background, or affiliation. We respect each other and our competitors, and we expect the same in return. We encourage our members to experiment with new technologies and designs, and to share their knowledge and feedback with each other.

We are respected and successful. We have won several awards and trophies, including the coveted Murray Cup. We have established partnerships and alliances with other racing organizations across the UEE and beyond. We have contributed to the advancement of space racing as a sport and a culture, by promoting safety standards, ethical practices, and public awareness.

We are Panoptic Motorsports, the all-seeing racers. We see everything, we race anything, we have fun along the way. Join us today and become part of our vision!


This charter defines the rules and regulations of Panoptic Motorsports, a space racing organization that sees everything and races anything in the Verse.

1. Membership – Anyone who shares our passion for racing can apply to join Panoptic Motorsports, regardless of their race, background, or affiliation. – Applicants must fill out a form on our website and agree to our manifesto and charter. – Applicants must undergo a trial period of one month, during which they must participate in at least one race and demonstrate their skills and attitude. – Applicants who pass the trial period will be accepted as full members and assigned a rank and role according to their performance and preference. – Members must pay a monthly fee of 1000 UEC to support the organization’s expenses and activities. – Members must respect each other and our competitors, and follow the rules of fair play and sportsmanship. – Members must wear our logo and colors on their ships and suits when representing Panoptic Motorsports in races or events. – Members must communicate with each other and the organization leaders through our website, chat rooms, and comms channels. – Members can leave the organization at any time, but must notify the organization leaders and return any organization property or funds.

2. Ranks and Roles – Panoptic Motorsports has four ranks: Leader, Officer, Racer, and Recruit. – Leaders are the founders and administrators of Panoptic Motorsports. They are responsible for setting the vision and direction of the organization, managing the finances and resources, organizing races and events, forming partnerships and alliances, resolving conflicts and disputes, and overseeing the overall operations of the organization. – Officers are the senior members of Panoptic Motorsports. They are responsible for assisting the leaders in their duties, recruiting and training new members, coordinating teams and strategies, scouting new courses and challenges, maintaining the organization’s website and social media, and representing the organization in external affairs. – Racers are the core members of Panoptic Motorsports. They are responsible for participating in races and events, improving their skills and performance, experimenting with new technologies and designs, sharing their knowledge and feedback with other members, supporting their teammates and partners, and having fun along the way. – Recruits are the new members of Panoptic Motorsports. They are responsible for completing their trial period, learning from their mentors and peers, proving their skills and attitude, following the organization’s manifesto and charter, and earning their place as racers.

3. Races and Events – Panoptic Motorsports hosts or participates in various races and events throughout the Verse. These include: – Circuit Races: Races that take place on a predefined course with checkpoints and laps. The winner is the first racer to cross the finish line after completing all laps. – Endurance Races: Races that take place on a long-distance course with no laps. The winner is the first racer to cross the finish line or the last racer standing after a certain time limit. – Sprint Races: Races that take place on a short-distance course with no laps. The winner is the first racer to cross the finish line or reach a certain speed limit. – Drag Races: Races that take place on a straight-line course with no turns. The winner is the first racer to cross the finish line or reach a certain speed limit. – Rally Races: Races that take place on an open-world course with no checkpoints or laps. The winner is the first racer to reach a designated destination or complete a certain objective. – Freestyle Races: Races that take place on an open-world course with no rules or restrictions. The winner is determined by a panel of judges based on criteria such as speed, skill, style, creativity, etc. – Panoptic Motorsports also organizes or attends other events related to space racing, such as: – Training Sessions: Events that allow members to practice their skills and performance on various courses and scenarios. – Workshops: Events that allow members to learn from experts or share their knowledge on topics such as technology, design, strategy, etc. – Exhibitions: Events that allow members to showcase their ships and suits to other racers or spectators. – Festivals: Events that celebrate space racing as a sport and a culture, featuring races, shows, games, music, food, etc.

4. Code of Conduct – Panoptic Motorsports expects its members to adhere to a code of conduct that reflects our values and vision as a space racing organization. This code of conduct includes: – Respect: We respect ourselves, our fellow members, our competitors, and our partners. We treat everyone with dignity and courtesy. We do not discriminate, harass, bully, or abuse anyone on the basis of race, gender, sexuality, religion, politics, or any other factor. We do not cheat, lie, steal, or sabotage anyone or anything. – Fair Play: We play by the rules and regulations of the races and events we participate in. We do not use any illegal or unethical means to gain an advantage or harm others. We accept the outcomes of the races and events with grace and humility. We do not complain, whine, or blame others for our failures or mistakes. We congratulate and praise others for their successes and achievements. – Sportsmanship: We compete with passion and skill, but also with honor and integrity. We do not let our emotions get the better of us. We do not trash talk, taunt, or mock others. We do not gloat, boast, or brag about ourselves. We do not hold grudges, seek revenge, or start fights. We shake hands, hug, or salute others before and after the races and events. – Fun: We enjoy ourselves and have fun in everything we do. We do not take ourselves or others too seriously. We do not let stress or pressure ruin our mood or performance. We do not let failure or loss discourage us or dampen our spirit. We laugh, smile, joke, and celebrate with others.

5. Amendments – This charter may be amended by the leaders of Panoptic Motorsports at any time, with the consent of the majority of the members. – Any amendments to this charter will be announced and explained to the members through the organization’s website, chat rooms, and comms channels. – Any member who disagrees with or violates this charter may be warned, suspended, demoted, or expelled from the organization by the leaders.

This charter is effective as of 2950-01-01.

We are Panoptic Motorsports: The All-Seeing Racers.