Supply or Die

Choose your allegiance and help shape the future of a system in turmoil through daring supply runs and missions across Pyro’s reaches – play now for limited-time faction rewards!!



  • Faith
  • Regular
  • Piracy
  • Engineering

Welcome, dear people… NAY SURVIVOURS of the ruthless Vanduul raids on the Vega colonies. Please pay heed to our call!

Rest yourselves and feel free to look around. If you think we can make your life better, or wish for vengeance against the Vanduul make your way to our Recruitment section.


For over 250 years now the United Earth Empire (U.E.E.) has sat idly by as the terrors and denizens know as Vanduul have wiped out colony after colony such as Caliban, Orion, Virgil, Vega and the western front of Tiber. Their inaction has led to the deaths of millions of HUMAN soldiers and civilians alike. The scourge known simply as the Vanduul do not barter and do not give quarter to any Human, for they see themselves as superior. Their KIngships, Raiders, and Harvesters have for too long struck fear into those of us that have gone out into the stars to make a better life for ourselves and bring prosperity to the U.E.E.

The U.E.E. abandoned us at Virgil and have done little to nothing since. Now they declare war on the Vanduul only to save face yet bring no real military might down on these barbaric raiders.


No longer shall we be restrained by U.E.E. rule and ignore our pain at the loss of our friends and loved ones by the hands of ruthless Vanduul raiders. These uncivilized and cruel beasts that don’t even leave the bones of our dead so we can lay them to rest. We have been betrayed by the U.E.E. bureaucrats, who think of nothing but financial gains and losses, and sit in their thrones thinking not of the lives lost under their ‘protective’ watch.

Today my brothers and sisters WE WILL RISE TO THE CHALLENGE. We shall pick up arms against these Vanduul savages and suffer not one to live. They show no quarter, we shall show no mercy. To defeat this heavily armed and dangerous foe we must also be willing to overcome our own short comings and resort to what the U.E.E. considers to be unorthodox and underhanded tactics.

We will find help from those of our sect that recognize our righteous mission. From them we will receive hospitality, safe keeping, and respite when needed. Most of all we will have allies spread throughout the U.E.E. to call upon in all social aspects and walks of life to help perpetuate our mission… which is nothing less then the complete eradication of the Vanduul filth.

We are not only on a righteous crusade against the physical threat of the Vanduul…

WE SHALL provide relief efforts in the wake of tragic loss due to these unprovoked persistent attacks.

WE MUST bring the word of our cause to survivors who will listen and forge our ranks against the Vanduul threat.

WE WILL prosecute any collaborators of the Vanduul plague.


Our esteemed leaders have summoned a conclave to put into writing the foundation of our Faith. Please come back soon to learn more about our community.