PFU Starfleet / PFUS

  • Faith
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Exclusive
  • Exploration
  • Resources

Welcome to our official Spectrum channel. Feel free to browse, and please visit our Recruitment section for career opportunities, if you want to join our peaceful organization.
We have a few clear rules, which you can read in our Charter.
We are looking forward to have you in the fleet.


PFU Star Fleet aims to explore, the unknown of the final frontier.
Searching for all the secrets, the vast universe holds.
We are an ever expanding fleet, with room for all.
We seek peace in the universe, but we will defend the innocent.
We are not afraid to fight back.


Our motives are simple, explore the vast open space, and all the planets, stations and outposts in it.

We pride ourselves in our integrity, and upon our rules, which we follow to the letter.

Our views on others, are friendly until proven otherwise, and we help where we can, regardless of pay.

We are the PFU Starfleet, and we will explore everything, and help others along the way.


Prime Directive:
§1. We are explorers nothing else.
§2. Don’t interfere with other non alliance organisations in combat. Only attack if they attacked first.
§3. We do transport jobs if requested.
§4. We do mining operations when required.
§5. We do cargo freights if requested.
§6. We trade to keep us exploring.
§7. We familiarize ourselves with new systems when we arrive.
§8. we do mercenary missions if requested.