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Praetorian Guard / PRAGRD

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Security
  • Infiltration

Welcome to Praetorian Guard. Established in 2937, Praetorian has been at the forefront of covert reconnaissance & operational warfare within the private military sector. Welcome to the next generation of galactic contractors.


Who are we?

Praetorian Defense Group is a private military company who have done high risk security and reconnaissance missions for over a decade. With the Founders being active duty and reservists in the United States military we have the experience needed to show the strength of contracted foot soldiers, and aerial combat to the Verse.

What it means to be a Praetorian Contractor

To have the tenacity to do what’s necessary to ensure the safety of others, to have the relentless determination to do what we need to do to get the job done, and more importantly, get paid.

By joining Praetorian Defense Group you will be acting on behalf of the company, each one of you are ambassadors to our current and future clients. Be cautious of your actions when conducting missions not sanctioned by Praetorian. We do not tolerate piracy. Praetorian was created to give a chance to those who cannot defend themselves. But be advised – if you joined Praetorian to be thanked for your service, and make the universe a better place, you joined the wrong Organization. We make money on the suffering of others, on the spoils of war. You will be called “common mercenaries”, that is not true. You have joined a brotherhood composed of the strongest, dedicated, motivated, and ruthless. You are warriors of fortune. You are enlisted in the Praetorian Defense Group!

Internal Communications

We have a dedicated DISCORD server that will be open to all members once the application process is complete.

71st Covert Combat Squadron

The 71st Covert Combat Squadron was the first special operations team in Praetorian to special in covert reconnaissance operations. Picked from former UEE combat pilots and spec op teams, as well as the highest tier of private sector contracts, the 71st is capable of handling any task at hand. The 71st is always looking for experienced personnel. Interested in joining? Contact your command in the Praetorian Discord!

To our enemies we issue a warning:
Molon Labe – Do not underestimate us.


Guiding Principles


All Praetorian personnel and associates, whether on or off duty, demonstrate the highest degree of integrity in every aspect of what we do. We are committed to instilling professional behavior in all our personnel, teammates and associates.


Service before self. Take pride that you are enlisted in one of the most elite private military companies in the Verse. Your service, your loyalty to the organization is crucial to continue to effectively conduct operations.


As prominent private military company that provides security at the highest risk level we cannot afford mistakes. Excellence is expected from all enlisted personnel, and excellence that goes over and above the call of duty is recognized and rewarded.


As contractors we are often put on the frontlines. You will encounter rough terrain, low visibility, times of below adequate supplies, mass casualties, and more. Your courage on the battlefield is what will make the difference on every mission. Courage is not the absence of fear, butt the mastery of it.


Leave no combatant standing.

About us

SRDG is at its core an army for hire. With expertise in the world’s most challenging environments, not only are we devastatingly effective on the battlefield, but in space and planetary exploration as well. Our long-range exploration teams take contracts to explore uncharted territory for clients.
The always changing security climate demands innovative solutions that can be applied in both high-threat and low profile operating environments. Whether you need a fully equipped team of Praetorian Spec Ops, or a squad equipped to infiltrate and secure valuable information and assets, we have options that fit all areas of operation. Years of field experience and advanced knowledge in military science has led us to be one of the most trusted organizations to provide ever-evolving security solutions.


Praetorian Rules & Code of Conduct

1. Respect all higher ranked officials and their commands. They are given leadership positions for their combat experience and leadership abilities. Do not question their authority or their orders.

2. Racial/Ethnic harassment, sexual harassment, real-life violent threats are tolerated in any shape or form in Praetorian. Doing so will result in an automatic Article 15, most likely resulting in Administrative Separation from Praetorian.

3. Consistent acts of insubordination will result in an Article 15.

4. All Praetorian personnel are expected to remain professional and all times, unless otherwise stated by the Commanding Officer.


Cooperating in the Area of Operations

Praetorian promotes constructive engagement and cooperation with other organizations operating in the same area of operations. Any relief/humanitarian efforts will not be disrupted unless they are found aiding enemy combatants, in which case relief/humanitarian personnel will be detained.
Any active resistance against Praetorian operations will be met with appropriate force to compel compliance. If engaged, combatants will be met with deadly force.


Exploration Teams

Praetorian does not limit ourselves to the private security sector. One of our many branches of operational forces are our long-range exploration and reconnaissance teams. Equipped with enough supplies to carry out even the longest of exploration feats, each team are specialists in their field of study; environmental researchers, wildlife biologists, botanists, geologists, logistics specialists, and a Praetorian spec ops security squad. Each role as important as the last to gather information about newly discovered planets, and the species that inhabit them.


Search & Rescue

Praetorian is committed to providing emergency search & rescue teams specialized in asset recovery. SRDG conducts SAR operations in all conditions, even during armed conflict.


Logistical Support

Praetorian has a squadron of logistical support ships that are able to transport cargo anywhere in the Verse. Our Specialized Logistics Squadron provides top tier security for high-end cargo.