Sparkle Pwnies / PWN

  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Social
  • Transport

The Sparkle Pwnies have a long and semi-illustrious history. From the original Everquest, through most major MMO’s, and some minor ones too.

Members must exhibit these Core Qualities:

- A Deep-seated respect for others

- A thick skin

- Some critical personal flaw


We have been fans of MMOs and the social aspect of these games for many years. The group has been together for around 12 years now and was branded to “Sparkle Pwn1e” in Aion. We branded ourselves as a PVP guild and we wanted our Unicorn Pony that was pooping sparkles and rainbows to scare people to the core of their being. “Oh SHIT, the SPARKLE PWN1ES, RUN” was what we wanted people to think when they saw us or our logo.

Ruthless, driven, connected at the highest levels. Usually, having beers and enjoying the night. We have people who mine, build, fight, fly, strategize, and research. From Minecraft electrical engineering to Everquest Next Landmark Alpha building, we enjoy all aspects of fighting, economy, and battle. To the stars!

History of MMOs


- Everquest 1

- Ultima Online


- Eve Online


- Everquest 2

- World of Warcraft


- Guild Wars


- Dungeons and Dragons Online


- Lord of the Rings Online

- Vanguard


- Aion

- Pirates of the Burning Sea


- Vindictus


- Rift

- Star Wars the Old Republic


- Guild Wars 2


- Phantasy Star Online

- The Secret World


- Final Fantasy XIV

- Everquest Next Landmark Alpha & Beta

We also play other games too:
This is a pretty random list, with a lot missing, primarily just to give you a flavor.

- Populous
- Dune 2
- Settlers
- Warcraft
- Command & Conquer
- Age of Empires
- Dune 2000
- StarCraft
- Homeworld
- Sacrifice
- Empire Earth
- Giants: Citizen Kabuto
- Age of Mythology
- Titan Quest
- Warhammer 40k
- Stronghold
- Universe at war
- Company of Heroes
- Dungeon Keeper
- Total War
- Demigod
- Anno

- Ultima
- Might & Magic
- Final fantasy
- Heroes quest – so you want to be a hero
- Kings quest
- Space quest
- Quest for glory
- Phantasy Star
- Dragon Quest
- Mass Effect
- Lands of Lore
- Syndicate
- Elder Scrolls
- Chrono Trigger
- Suikoden
- Star Ocean
- Diablo
- Fallout
- Xenogears
- Grandia
- Baldurs Gate
- Return to Krondor
- Planescape Torment
- Crystalis
- Mario
- Skies of Arcadia
- Tales of Eternia
- Deus Ex
- Icewind Dale
- Vampire The Masquerade
- Gothic
- Harry Potter
- Mega Man
- Star Wars, KOTOR
- Divinity: Ego Draconis
- Dungeon Siege
- Bards Tale
- Dragon Age
- Inuyasha
- Lord of the Rings
- Neverwinter Nights
- Blue Dragon
- Tales of Vesperia
- Valkyria Chronicles
- Lost Odyssey
- Hellgate: London
- Okami
- The Witcher
- Fable
- Kings Bounty
- Risen
- Ni No Kuni
- Kingdomes of Amalur
- South Park: Stick of Truth
- Sacred
- Prince of Persia
- Shadow Man

Fighting Games
- Soul Caliber
- Virtua Fighter
- Street Fighter
- Capcom
- Power Stone

Driving Games:
- Forza
- Gran Turismo
- Mario Kart
- Sega Rally

- BF4
- Counterstrike
- Soldier of Fortune
- Duke Nuke ‘em
- Titanfall
- Killzone

- Crazy Taxi
- Ecco
- Gauntlet Legends
- Ikaruga
- Ready 2 Rumble Boxing
- Fight Night


Have fun. No, seriously, have fun. Or you’re out :D


Have fun. No, seriously, have fun. Or you’re out :D