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RedFlight MedEvac / REDFLIGHT

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Medical
  • Security

The RedFlight MedEvac organisation recruits people to help any person in need of treatment or evacuation.

Noob friendly, learn how to play star citizen with us!

Click here to apply!
Click here to join the Discord


RedFlight MedEvac was founded under the idea that medical care is more than just treatment.
With the increase of Medical calls being made near protected bunkers, hostile pirate zones and calls made by those with ill intent.
The RedFlight crew was founded. Which not only provides top of the line medical treatment. But also protection of those they treat, and themself.


With a RedFlight crew on their way, you know they will be able to traverse through tough situation to bring you medical treatment at any cost.
With highly trained securty personell on board, you know that not only you as a patient will be safe. But personell will be more than capable of protecting themselves as well.

Apply to the RedFlight crew today, and undergo training to become one of the most effective medical teams out there.


When you are part of the RedFlight crew, safety is the number one priority.

Always attempt to bring security personell or other combat trained members of the crew when you go on duty.

Do not act recklessly, while you should try to protect and save your patient at any cost. Losing your cool can mean certain death.
If a situation is too tough to handle. Request backup

To be part of the RedFlight crew. Join the Discord comms
([RedFlight Discord])
And apply using our application document
([Click here for application form])