Red Sky Syndicate / REDSYN

  • Syndicate
  • Hardcore
  • Piracy
  • Piracy

Ruthlessness is mercy upon ourselves.

Red Sky is first and foremost a piracy org, we kill for profit, stealing and fencing cargo. That said we have learned this lesson well: If you want to keep a hit you better be ready to fight for it.


Red Sky is formed from a core of veteran SC players who are some of the most successful pirates in Star Citizen. We are made up of both Civilians and Military Vets from US and EU, meaning we have someone doing something at most hours of the day. We have a proven track record of taking even the greenest pilots and turning them into capable dogfighters that can stand toe to toe with some of the best orgs in the verse.



Piracy is for Profit.
We are not murder Hobos. We do not spend all of our time in AC sweating to be the best or flying around the PU murdering every ship we see. Our murder is adventure murder, and business murder. If we are killing someone its because they either have something we want, we want them out of our AO, or they came looking for trouble and found it.

No one is above or below any Job
“Everybody fights, nobody quits” Our profession is violence, but you will also find yourself doing hard work. Someone has to move the booty to our loot swoops, and no one is too high rank or position to chuck boxes. The key to successful piracy is speed and this means we all pull our weight to get the hit cleared of cargo before our enemies can torpedo the wreck.

Equal pay for Equal work
As a rule: Shares are always an equal split no matter who did what. That said, if your team wants to split the pay differently we leave that up to you as long as all participants agree. Piracy can be VERY profitable, and we don’t see a need to be greedy with each other. We expect our members to keep in mind that we only steal and cheat our enemies.

PVP Proficiency
We expect all members to achieve a level of PVP ability that allows them to function with the rest of the org in combat. We maintain a dedicated staff of trainers who on average will put even brand new pilots above 50% of the SC community in about an hour of training, and above 90% after about a week of casual training and org PVP events. We take PVP seriously because most of the time we are outnumbered. That said, we do not mandate training or require time in Arena Commander for anyone in the org. We prefer to incentivize training and make it the players choice to work on PVP either on their own or as a group.

Chain of command
“You know what the chain of command is? It’s the chain I go get and beat you with until you understand who’s in ruttin’ command here.” We have officers and senior members who should be relied upon for their experience and ability. While any and all of them are capable and qualified to run an opp or a hit, we work on a basis of first come first serve. Even our newest hang-around can run a hit if they start the group and decide to run it. We will let you run the show unless we feel like we need to take over. If someone takes command from you do not take it personally, take the opportunity to see how more experienced leaders run things and learn from it.


Don’t be a Dick.
We have a zero tolerance policy for Racism, Sexism, Trans/homophobia, Religious intolerance or anything else. We don’t do warnings, we only ban. We figure if you are going to drop a slur in voice, a talk isn’t going to change you.

Using Voice comms in discord is a requirement for all members.

No Politics
It only causes problems, don’t talk about it. If someone is talking about it, politely remind them of this rule, regardless of their rank.

Respect one Another
We treat each other with respect. We are all adults here, if you don’t like someone talk to leadership about it, or avoid them. Infighting is not tolerated.

We are nonexclusive meaning: You can be a member of Red Sky and be a member of another Org. Our only rule on that is while we allow you to opt out of a fight if your friends/org mates are on the other side, you have to opt out of the whole fight, you may not join them, or give them intel on us and what we are doing. When it come to Org leadership, you may be asked to become exclusive for any and all positions.

18+ only