Supply or Die

Choose your allegiance and help shape the future of a system in turmoil through daring supply runs and missions across Pyro’s reaches – play now for limited-time faction rewards!!


Rock and Brawl Mining / RNB

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Resources
  • Exploration

Welcome to ROC & BRAWL Mining. At ROC & BRAWL we offer you the chance to join an Organization which offers access to 30 Drake Cutlass Black and ROC combos, in return for 50% of the profits you generate mining with Bonus potential. Why rent or buy ships when you can be your own private contractor?


Our goal is to help everyone meet their financial ambitions, whether its saving for that prospector or any other ship you’re looking to get your hands on. We offer the most profitable solution for work and time to achieve those goals with no up front costs.
At Roc and Brawl Mining we have recognized that it is hard to make money in Star Citizen without buying expensive ships, as a result we have come up with a solution. Our company offers unlimited use of our portfolio of 30 Roc and Cutlass Black packages, asking only for 50% of your profits.


It is possible that a single mining trip could result in over 200k profit, half of which you would send to our CEO SkynetAlphaTheta, and half that you keep for yourself. There will be weekly 25% bonuses for the top 10% earners, but also termination of the bottom 10% from the Corporation. We will have a maximum number of members set for each week (TBD) so that everyone has a reasonable chance to get access to mine. People who have a applied for a position will join a waiting list. If you do get terminated, you can join the waiting list for membership again. Work to win, not pay to win!


1. All missions will leave from Port Olistar / Crusader. When a group is organized I will travel with 2 people to the mining location and pull the rocs. When the rocs have been pulled I will suicide back to PO and Pull a Ship for everyone. (DO NOT use any other ships BUT THE ONES I PULL… there are many reasons for this, feel free to ask me in chat about it). I will supply everything you need.

When you get your ship fly to the Roc pickup location. Load your roc and to where you want to mine. You are a private contractor so where you mine is up to you, but here are a few tips

1.) Mine between ArcCorp Mining and Deakins Mining on Yela. They are on opposite sides of the planet so chase the sun and stay on the side that is light. Arial is also another place to mine but you will NEED a hot suit AND water (store water in a mining backpack when you buy it).

2) When you get in your roc fly over flat ground and look for craters and light ground. Even if you find Hadenite in mountains its not worth mining because it will all roll down the hill when fractured.

3.) Only mine Hadenite, Dolavine is a waste of time. I’ve done the math

4) When you scan for Hadenite you are looking for icons that look like diamonds not boulders. Boulders can only be mined with a prospector or mole.

Procedure to find massive amounts of Hadenite:
1.) FIrst set your max speed limited no higher than the red bar.
2.) Come to a complete stop
3.) Hold Right click to start the scan and release to send out the radar.
4.) As the radar spans out rotate the roc 360 degrees and look towards the ground especially right behind you and try to find small tents. a.) Those small tents are exactly what you want to find
5) When you find a small tent move in towards the center and continue scanning but let the scanner only fill 1/4 full before letting go. Go closer until the scanning meter starts to look different.

a.) Now you can do a scan to identify what the deposit is. Hold left-click and scan to see if its Hadenite or Dolavine. If its Dolavine move on. If its Hadenite land on the most “level” surface you can find (I like to land facing the deposit so i can back out and drive forward, less turning). It can be tilted at any angle but it has to be level so that when you land the back door hits the ground.

b.) Protip: Hotkey open doors to “-” and close doors to “=”. When you land open doors and hit F4 to go to 3rd person and look to see if the door is meeting the ground. If not fly around in 3rd person until it is.

6) Once landed go to the roc and OPEN THE DOOR FIRST and then chose to get in the seat. If the door does not open then getting in the seat will put you into a coffin which will make you have to log out of the game to fix, no suiciding.
7.) Drive the roc to the Hadenite. Hit M to bring out the laser. Point the curser at the rock, and just tap click left-click. The laser should start and stay on without having to hold down the button.

a.) First, line the Hadenite Rock towards the right side of the vehicle. Having the rock on the right side or even lined up the the right side of the door will make things work much better for both FRACTURING and COLLECTION.

b.) Second, line the rock you are going to fractur up towards the right side of the roc. Ideally it would be in line with your right body panel. This will make fracturing and collection much easier. Then aim the mouse curser at the Hadenite and tap click the left mouse button to start the laser, you do not have to hold it down. Then immediately scroll the mouse wheel to 100% power and keep it there till the fracture bar gets into the green area. Then cut the power to 40-50% and balance it around there to stay in the green. If it starts to run away into the red turn the laser off and let the rock cool down. You can also just swing the laser away from the rock rather than clicking it. Using this technique you can actually count 1-5 and then aim it back for a balancing technique.

C.) Collection: Right click the mouse to switch to collection mode and start off by aiming the laser at the rock you just cracked. Aiming at the rock seems to be more powerful then aiming at snow so you should pickup most of the rocks doing this. Then just pick up the scraps that are left. Be patient. it can take a number of seconds for collection to take place, and the further away or to the left you aim the longer it will take.

NOTE: If your mining laser stops working, it means it has over heated. Just wait a bit and it will work again.

8.) Next, load the roc back in the ship. Always remember to close the door to prevent it from breaking when you land again. Move 500 meters in the direction your going. Stop, Scan, Spin… and mine your way to glory.


1.) Its a good investment to spend 15k each to buy both the Cold Armor (Nabokiv Port Tressler) and the Hot Armor (Pembroke Leviski/ Tammery & Sons). Cold armor for Yela, Hot for Arial.

2.) If you find yourself sliding to the left or right you can hold the a or d key in the opposite direction to keep yourself still, or you can put the parking break on by clicking thru some menus on the left hand side (to be filled in).

3.) You can wipe your visor with Alt-X

4.) Do not check the lasers near a base as they are a armistice zone which does not allow weapon use and they will not work

When you get to 50% cargo capacity or if you’re in a dangerous situation its time to sell. To sell talk to Roc, if it is noisy in Mining chat I will ask you to go to payments voice chat under payments menu.

Next check your cargo % in your rock by extending the arm by extending M, then look for it on the right side. When you speak to me (Roc) tell me your handle and your cargo %. Like this:
“I need to sell cargo, MasterMiner, 84.56%”