RTS Interstellar / RTSI

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Trading
  • Freelancing

Resources | Trading | Security

Are you in need of an Omni-Contracting Organization capable of fielding a variety of role-capable ships and crews for your Operational Needs? Contact our Contracting Officer today!

Looking to Contract with us? Please apply! http://www.rtsinterstellar.com/


RTS-I was built over a few beers, and a question. How do you create an Org where everyone takes a risk, everyone has stake, and everyone makes a profit? RTS-I answered that question with our General Contractor board, and our Share system…


RTS Interstellar is a newly formed Organization to fulfill contracting roles to help client organizations fill gaps in their interstellar operations.

Our Services range from Resource Gathering and Cargo Transport, to Transport Security and Fleet Support. RTS Interstellar offers mission ready ships and internally licensed crews to help our client organizations succeed in their endeavors.

RTS Interstellar is an Equal Opportunity contracting company, that only will only refuse contracts that are overtly illegal requests.

To find out more about our contracting rates and services, please reach out to Celevra, our Chief Operations Officer for details.


RTS Interstellar is a General Contracting Organization, who’s members with abide by their obligations. Contractors within the Organization will uphold UEE Laws and Regulations, while committing to the Objectives specified by the contract terms that are accepted upon signing for a contract.

Citizens will need to access Org Forums and Discord/TS. Active Participation is Recommended, but not Required. Non-Active Contractors will be placed in an Affiliate Contractor Status. Additional Duty participation is encouraged.

All Personnel will hold themselves accountable as if a public representative of RTS Interstellar.

Recruitment Policy – The Organization will post a Recruit post on CIG/RSI website to begin the message of recruitment. Recruitment campaign will transition to RSI chat and through Alpha/Beta play with new players.
New Recruits will undergo an interview process with OPS until Personnel section is established. Recruitment division will fall under OPS until Personnel section is established.

Personnel – Personnel will be full fledged members of the Organization, however, structure will be loose in that personnel will not be assigned to a Department to fill a permanent role. Instead, it is on the personnel to choose which role they wish to fill within the Org on a weekly basis via contracts submitted to the open contracts tab of the Organization website. This will log activity and assist in ensuring bonuses are awarded fairly.

Contracts – Ship Owners within the Organization who need crew/assistance can submit a request to the department head for their ship(s) role/purpose. The Department Head will then write and submit a contract to the Contract Coordinator, who will publish this to the Organization’s website. It is the duty of the Organization personnel to sign up for contracts and receive payment for duties complete.

Personnel Licensing – Personnel will be licensed by Section Leaders of Departments for Contract/Org roles. Licensing from D-A rank determines quality of skill for the specific role to be filled. License required to fill an Org Contract, and Contract can only be accepted if License Rank matches Contract Rank.