Sword Art Online / SAO

  • PMC
  • Hardcore
  • Role play
  • Security
  • Trading

Searching through the stars, fighting our way to the top,
We explore the vast expanses, and sometimes when all may seem lost,
Lonely, and desolate; Remember, we are never too far away to lend you a helping hand.


RE-ESTABLISHED: 2944-01-22
Current Exarch: FoxAlot

An organization created on the foundation of a multi-collaborated effort to secure and seize the opportunities in our best interests, and to carry those to success with all the resources that we can provide to help bring closure and security throughout the final frontier.

From securing freighters, traders, to exploring void space for artifacts and fine materials, to the front-line battle fields, to the infested asteroid fields. We will come, We will conquer, and We will succeed.. There will be no where that cannot be unreached, we will proceed with an iron fist, and triumph, showing no mercy to our foes, yet sheltering our allies.

- FoxAlot , Exarch 2944


  • - Bounties
  • - Diplomacy
  • - Escorts
  • - Exploration
  • - Peacemaking
  • - Trade
  • - Security Deployments
  • - Strategic Strikes


Noblesse Oblige.
1. Whoever claims to be noble must conduct himself nobly.
2. One must act in a fashion that conforms to one’s position, and with the reputation that one has earned.

We will use the power to protect those who bestow their trust and power in us.
We will leave no rock un-turned, no mountain unexplored, no reach of space veiled.