Supply or Die

Choose your allegiance and help shape the future of a system in turmoil through daring supply runs and missions across Pyro’s reaches – play now for limited-time faction rewards!!



  • Syndicate
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Freelancing
  • Smuggling

A tight knit, yet casual galactic syndicate, the SickSide-Infamous in black markets and staunch revolutionaries.. Hard Times. Governments, corporations, banking conglomerates, military interests, faith organizations, syndicates, gangs and individual all struggle for resources, power and their lives.



a legacy a code a tradtion

The Early Years

Born in the days of poisoned foods, genetic and biological engineering, scarce planetary resources, extreme hunger, poverty and injustice, ecological devastation, puppet governments, military policing, chemical and social addictions, constant religious and resource driven wars.. few had the time or attention span to put all the pieces together and realize the cost to humanity these struggle have always posed.None seemed to have the will to put forth a concerted positive driven effort to eradicate the ills plaguing a civilization that brings masses to its knee’s in the struggle for daily life. A few.. dedicated.. intelligent..close to the streets motivated individuals made a life mission of spotlighting, assisting, organizing a compendium of knowledge, spreading ideas, stories, thoughtful solutions throughout, towards the mandate of a free peoples .. an evolved democracy.. justice.. equality..
As it’s been for hundreds of years many still refer back to the vast amount of information and edutainment created by this prolific group-the Psycho Realm. The originators of the SickSIde.. like a fire on a dry windy mountainside the SickSide philosophy spread throughout a planet.. every person was their own boss.. no one gave orders.. everyone spread the philosophy of justice, equality and evolving democracy..battles were won.. battles were lost.. as peoples throughout the galaxy started to spread their wings in space so did the SickSide..


Who’s asking?


Who’s asking?