The Siege Guild / SIEGEGUILD

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Exploration
  • Social

When you Wield Siege Guild, you Wield Victory


The Siege Guild Promotes Peaceful Organized Ship Meets With Experienced Leadership. This means strict bans on Stealing, Demolitions, and PKs. Come For the Ships, Stay for the Friends.


The Siege Guild is a mobile empire of explorers and scientists, surveyors, lenders, salvagers, doctors and families, engineers, astronauts and friends of all kinds..

Join The Siege Guild if you like Space Ships, Friend Ships, and Ship Meets. You don’t have to leave any other groups or change your affiliations.


The Siege Guild Promotes Peaceful Organized Ship Meets With Experienced Leadership. This Means:
Strict bans on stealing ships, blowing up ships, or killing players. WOWBLASTS WELCOME

The Siege Guild looks inward to its members to provide safety and security all around.

Use this link to join the Siege Guild discord server:



In Star Citizen, The Siege Guild’s objectives are to:

1) Be Self-Governed
2) Maintain Independence
3) Control, Manage, and Secure Proprietary Resource Pipelines
4) Establish a Guild Homestead Colony
5) Have Fun Together, Defend, Protect, and Support Each Other

To accomplish these goals together:

+Inputs will be taken from the Siege Guild community regarding strategy, direction, and coordination of the guild.

+A No-Fees Hangar will be provided, at no cost to the guild.

+5 Estate Parcel sized land deeds will be contributed, at no cost to the guild.

+35 LTI Star Citizen ships, spanning all known resource and job pipelines, will be provided for permanent Guild Use to enable guild members to maximize their Star Citizen experience, at no cost to the guild.

+The Siege Guild leadership will consist of administrators, not moderator.


The Siege Guild exists first and foremost to have fun together in and surrounded around the Star Citizen video game, a space mmo by Chris Roberts with Perma-death and LTI spaceships. The individual personalities of Siege Guild members are respected and appreciated; As members make up the whole, The Siege Guild org character endeavors to adventure as a protagonist, in the orbit of the Chaotic Good archetype. As such:

Members of The Siege Guild Will:
Be empowered to be self-governed, to support, protect, defend, and respect each other and themselves. Common sense, mature behavior and self-accountability is expected. We are gamers, but we are people first, and we must set positive examples from which others can learn and grow, regardless of the medium. This is the ethos of progressive humanity.

Members of the Siege Guild Will NOT:
Promote racism, hate, or violence. This is not meant to hinder, limit, or drive individual gameplay style under any particular banner in a video game where combat and alien aggression are core elements. Rather, this is a reminder that Star Citizen is an international video game and all Siege Guild members will be accepting of other players. Star Citizen is a public place, and we are all choosing to gather there together.

Members of the Siege Guild Are:
Not Required to make Siege Guild their main org
Not Required to leave any other orgs
Not Required to display any Siege Guild branding
Not Required to pay into, donate, contribute personal assets towards, or sacrifice anything at all for The Siege Guild ,its members, owners, membership, or operating costs.