SKI-REX Industrial Systems / SKIREX

  • Corporation
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Resources
  • Trading

Welcome to SKI-REX!

The Universe’s Premier Mining and Freight Corporation

SKI-REX Discord


Our Board of Directors will unveil our official corporate statements soon. Please come back for updated information.


Industry. Commerce. Service.

We are all these and more.

Our growing concern will be the specialisation in all legitimate aspects of industry, commerce and service, whether spaceborne or planetside.

Trade and transport
Mining and exploration
Search and rescue
Repair and recovery
Salvage and security
Business is Business

Our intentions are to be active members of the ‘verse and look forward to co-operating with like-minded organisations. We run structured ‘jobs’ that will incorporate the many skills of our members and, whether that be mining, transporting or any of the careers listed above, we plan to get rich and have fun doing it.

We will not be participating in any illegal activities, however, that doesn’t mean we can’t or won’t work with others that occasionally bend the odd rule. How you run your business is none of our affair. If you need one (or more) of our services and are willing to deal straight with us, we’ll be there for you. Our ethos: Business is business. Just don’t be offended if we decline your offer to join your next raid on a UEE installation!

Train Hard, Fight Easy

Let’s make one thing clear; fighting will not be our first choice. Why? Because it has a low-profit-margin. Win or lose there are always extra expenses that play havoc with the bottom line. However, we will still train for it because we know that ‘out in the black’ not everyone is thinking of our overheads. We will train, train and train some more and will actively seek to recruit the best, not only in combat but the many roles essential to the smooth operation of interstellar commerce.

Where We Are…

We are currently a team of around 20 strong, with approximately half that being active. We populate our team chat/voice server (Currently Discord1) almost every night, where we set up and run a game within Star Citizen. These games are either simple Arena Commander, Star Marine or Persistent Universe sessions or more complex ‘training’ missions that we formulate and execute2. These can be quite in-depth and embrace our role-playing nature.

Where We’re Heading…

We aim to form a stable company with a core player base in the region of 20 to 30 regular team members. We anticipate this will also mean having approximately the same number again of more casual members who aren’t lucky enough to be able to game as much as we do. That gives us a target membership of around 50ish. No, we’re not aiming to be the biggest. We’ll leave the ‘faceless masses’ these large groups attract for others.

What We Want…

We want to form a tight-knit company that works well together while undertaking what we consider the more interesting aspects of Star Citizen. We want enthusiastic, passionate individuals that excel within a team structure. Players that want support and want to provide support, players that want to learn but also may have things to teach. We want active members, not sheer numbers. We want members that want to join in on our regular weekly play sessions.

We don’t care how long you’ve been a backer, how many ships you have or how much skill you think you have. We’re a team. If you don’t want to participate, don’t join!

1 More questions? Click our Discord link below and join us on our VOIP channel (You’ll also need to do this if you decide to join us!):

Black Diamond’s Comm Array

2 We currently run organised flight sessions on Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday but there is almost always someone flying every night of the week.


Our Board of Directors will unveil our official corporate statements soon. Please come back for updated information.