• Organization
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Exploration
  • Resources

Science – Trade – Action – Recon – Defense – Utility – Salvage – Transport

We are S.T.A.R.D.U.S.T. o7


It all started with a simple video of a girl trying to play a game she has wanted to play for a decade. She decides to give it a go and share her first attempt with the world.

This attempt brought people out of the works with tips and thoughts, ideas and criticism, all of which led to the creation of an amazing community of like-minded people. This community started to grow and thrive, friendships developed, groups created, and ideas generated. What started as a simple ‘how the hell do I walk faster’ video, turned into some of the best game time events in more than a decade. Other org members joined our group and while some like their current orgs, they expressed interest in an org that would better suit them. So, we decided it was time to open our community to the world.

We wanted to extend our enjoyment to others like us, thus S.T.A.R.D.U.S.T. was created. The efforts that went into creating this org were to keep the group growing, clean, safe and fun. If you’ have seen our videos and livestreams and feel that you would be a fit for such a great community, we invite you to apply to join! Come and make what is already an amazing community even better!

In order to join, you must apply here, and then join the Discord server ( https://discord.gg/SVvw48U4Rz ) and leave a message under ‘stardust-recruitment’, with a simple message stating your RSI Dossier name ( directions will be there for you! ) and you will then be required to join some of the Organization leaders in some gameplay before your application will be accepted. If your SC name and Discord name do not match, please also let us know!


We are STARDUST: Stellar-Trace-Action-Recon-Defense-Utility-Salvage-Transport

STARDUST is an organization of like-minded individuals that work towards common goals in all aspects in the life of a Star Citizen. While you may focus on an individual org task or group, you will not be limited to it. During events, you can join and work towards any aspect the organization members are working on, allowing you to grow your skills and collaborate with all members of the organization. If you see that the organization does not have a task or job you’d like to work in, discuss creating this with leadership. You aren’t just joining an org – you are joining YOUR org!

- Adults only – Must be 18 years of age or older to participate with events.

- Social group with consistent activity on Discord and in game. Discord is required to join the org, along with approval from the Organization leadership. Communication is required during events.

- Approachable Leadership – have a complaint, a need, an issue? The Org’s Leadership is here to help, don’t be afraid to approach!

- PvE focused. We do and and all PvE activities available in the game via contracts, and will do PvP when only the need arises ( fellow member or someone requesting assistance due to being griefed by another player or group; when agree’d upon during multi organization events, etc. – otherwise PvP strictly prohibited ( You can not act as a pirate, or go after another player for any reason other than those listed above. Doing so may cost your membership with S.T.A.R.D.U.S.T. )

- Adults only – Must be 18 years of age or older to participate with events.

- Ship training and certification within the organization is required to pilot during organization events.

- Toxicity and drama free

- No religion or political discussions, with the exception of politics that are related to the Organization.

- Helpful to new players – we provide training, assistance, credits, gear and ships to anyone within the organization that has a need.

- ALL are welcome no matter what, LGBTQ+ inclusive.

- Rage, raging out, rage quitting, yelling, excessive foul language, or acts of violence will not be tolerated. It’s understood that sometimes bad days happen, this group is here to help with those days as much as it is anything else, but if you need to take a break and cool off for any reason, do just that – take a break and come back when you are more collected.

- Understanding that real life always comes first.

- Planned group PVP is acceptable with the understanding users from all groups participating will not file a complaint against anyone in either group during the event. All PVP must be amicable, with the exception of pirate griefing other org members or other players that are requesting help.

Come join an amazing community of like-minded individuals who love to get together and have a great time! We have several YouTube creators and streamers that may ask you to participate in testing, video production, idea generation, etc. If this all sounds good to you, then head on over to our Discord server in the link below and we’ll take it from there.

Welcome to S.T.A.R.D.U.S.T., which is hosted by EmilysGame: https://discord.gg/Pk3AhTFAF8

Wanna join the server and hang out without joining the org? You can do that too, come on in!


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