Tanks in Space! / TAINSP

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Social
  • Social

Fun & competitive Star Citizen Organisation, all roles, all aspects of the game
If you want to play for fun, try out different roles, without condescending orders or being shouted at, us!!
Over 18s only, voice comms required, no minimum attendance but you must show up now and again


No history. This is a new Organisation/Clan.

The founder (e90) has been a member of clans for years, so nothing new here.

There don’t appear to ‘many’ social Organisations in SC yet for the slightly older player, TanksInSpace aims to remedy that.

Initiation involves a donkey, runny honey, and public humiliation. It’s not for everyone.


TanksInSpace promises:
- Fun
- Sarcasm
- Beer (Bring Your Own)
- Activity of team mates

TanksInSpace does not tolerate:
- Racism/Sexism/Abuse
- Prima Donnas
- Arses
- Members who never get involved !!! (a pet hate)

TanksInSpace aims to cater for regular players looking to enjoy the game and its aspects.
An Organisation not limited by time zone
No rules on what department you have to play in.
No rules on what roles or ships you have to fly
Swap between Trading/Fighting/Mining without issue


Charter, Manifesto, It’s all the same!!