The Royal Recruits / TRRMAIN

  • PMC
  • Casual
  • Social
  • Social

This is a social group for members of The Royal Recruits, a clan founded on the 14th of August 2004. Please only apply if you are a member or friend of The Royal Recruits.

Add mpcspeedy on steam for info.


Founded 14th of August, 2004 by Arquebusier and Forlorn Hope, The Royal Recruits are one of the oldest Battlegrounds clans, having been founded in the era of the original Battlegrounds and moving on to Napoleonic Wars and Battlegrounds 2, however our tenure in Battlegrounds 2 has come to and end and now we are exclusively involved in Napoleonic Wars.

Spurred by a passion for history we became originators of line battle game-play in BG1 and innovators in techniques and maps which to this day have evolved into old standards. The Royal Recruits have developed, along with a devotion to discipline and history, an unprecedented level of camaraderie; at the core The Royal Recruits are a community of friends, whether it be fighting alongside your comrades in a match or relaxing at our weekly movie night, a friendly atmosphere prevails, where we respect and rely upon one another in order to succeed and have a good time.

With this strong foundation The Royal Recruits have weathered all rough patches, and will continue to do so for a long time to come. If you wish to join a community of friends with an unprecedented gaming history, if you have a passion for history, teamwork and fun, then The Royal Recruits are an ideal clan for you.

Note: This is not a clan for Star Citizen, just a social group for members of The Royal Recruits, or friends of The Royal Recruits.


We intend to take over the Star Citizen universe with help of Larry Blackmon and Morrissey.


Be nice.