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Jericho Alliances / TRUMPETS

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Exploration
  • Security

Welcome to JERICHO…… Be part of something bigger

enlist today! Become a member or become an Affiliate!



*Officially founded in 2954,
Jericho Alliances, originally founded as simply Jericho by Ceo and original founding member: Cyprio

was created as a unification attempt to band together the growing number of smaller orgs as the overall citizen population has grown.
This initiative is to provide protection, security and cooperative gameplay to smaller organisations who wish to remain minimal and exclusive but want to focus on larger goals,

*April 2954- after securing 4 initial org members, Viper, strafeblink,pandana,josh as initial founding officers, the initial org groundwork was laid, and the org officially came into being, securing spectrum id rights, and an official organisation page, Jericho was officially an organisation

*June 2954-the organisation, slowly started to accrue members including several key members that would help shape its development in the future.


Jericho Alliances, core tenants, focus on Inclusion and networking, these two ideologies are the driving focus for the organisation and all members and affiliates.

like most orgs, we have secondary goals that we strive to reach as well, however these work in tandem with our main goals,
these secondary goals, focus on security, and exploration

our goals are to alliance and provide assistance and directive to all affiliate organisations, this will usually take the form of security, as our org grows, our reach will expand across the settled systems, prompting explorative efforts to be made.

however all org members and Affiliates, must conduct themselves in an appropriate manner and respect the chain of command, as quite often we, wont be operating with our specific org alone, but in collaborative efforts with much larger orgs.


*RESPECT THE CHAIN OF COMMAND- if a superior officer, gives a command to a lower ranked member while flying a mission or during collaborative efforts during inter-Org events, it must be adhered to, this ensures mission consistency, and increases the member standing of an individual,

*TREAT All MEMBERS AND AFFILIATES AS IF THEY WERE FAMILY- inclusion is a core tenant of our org, and is a founding principle that ensures org consistency and an attractive appeal for potential new members, new members are generally new to the game as well, and will feel much more comfortable sticking around a long time, if they feel included, it also creates an enjoyable experience for everyone playing, if everyone are friends as well

*PROMOTE ORG GROWTH- all org members are expected to look out for potential org Affiliate connection opportunties as allows us to network and collaborate with other orgs to allow everyone to achieve their higher goals within a safe, effective and efficient player environment.
All org members are also expected to try and grow the orgs individual member count as well as look for Affiliate opportunies, if you see another player on any official or non official platform looking to get into org Gameplay, please direct them into the org, and utilise the Discord as well, so that proper application process can be adhered to and allow new members to access full range of member only privledges.

*KIND AND COURTEOUS- all members must conduct themselves according, no unneccessary rudeness, unless having a joke that everyone is comfortable with, not every member has the same humour or morality as everyone else, although most members i should hope would know how to read people to know how to act anyway