United Terran Republic Command / TRUTRC

  • PMC
  • Hardcore
  • Social
  • Bounty Hunting
    Bounty Hunting

CERES, COBALT, Planetside2 —TheInvisiableman. —

  • A experienced,cunning,tactically ruthless but fun,caring commander who collects heads.
  • Specializing in guerilla and privateer warfare, with a strong team/Individual focus.
  • A ProFreeSpch, Anti-PC/Woke warband of misfits.






-Audemus jura nostra defendere, Arte et marte, Ad Honorem, Ad Victoriam. – —Fortes fortuna adiuvat.——


UTRC had a long infamous history on planetside 2 of not taking thing’s too seriously, meming and shitposting the hell out of everything and everyone while mercilessly cutting down any outfit or player who attempted to screw’s with our friends or treated random outcasts like shit for entertainment, We take pride in welcoming people of all walks of life and skill to come together and purge those who fuck with others past pvp for no good reason. Over time we have perfected our methods so that none but the best or equally matched could survive our shotgun/Lmg shock trooper “ODST” death squads and lesser still who could endure or match our focus, cunning and unrelenting persistence to hold assholes to account because we are better ones

People learned on Cobalt/Ceres that you either hear my music or you see a death screen…there is No escape from my shotgun or sniper for those I hunt, after that you become a meme, immortalised forever in the moment you were had…

We hunted down all kind’s of lowlifes and larpers, from outright greifers to wana-be trolls and egomaniacs for the shits, personal enrichment and in eve, free loot. We Empower and offer kinship to the outcasts and misfits who are not excepted elsewhere. Those who stand by our side on games with a loot/salvage system are given free right’s on our kills, salvage and loot so that they can rebuild or re-establish themselves and in turn, the opportunity to “Get even” and land a killing blow by offering unlimited access to Information, real targets to hit and to ultimately provide some sense of karma and alittle revenge as we did on Eve online and Planetside2.

We do not Forget, or Forgive.

  • We believe as a core principle that all have the right to play free from unessary bullshit and have fun without fear of being repeatedly ganked, killed or harassed providing they did not engage in this beforehand.

Once the line is crossed. it’s crossed.


  • Utrc started off as a pvp group of misfit, Fun loving but hardcore player’s. We are Killers, “with Purpose”. Our stance on marauding and greifing is from Vast personal experience’s from Eve online and a Multitude of other games like planetside and including the Star Citizen Community. Our opinions regarding other factions is directly related to our org’s goals and agenda when dealing with the In-game A.I Related PVE/PVP”. We tend to avoid roleplayers and prefer people of action.
  • We offer a Fun, fast paced counter-pirate style militia and guerilla warfare and unlike most of the community, we can polish turds and all alike. We offers real financial incentive to pirate reformists to engage in their beloved style of game play for a greater cause to restore karmic balance. We are mostly laid back and will be at the local pub when not fighting or doing ops. You can easily find us at any arena or fight club, somewhere with a armory and big guns, out exploring some planet and shooting the local wildlife or doing shit we probably shouldn’t. aka: Flying upside down at low altitude
  • The best way to describe us is something between a roaming warband or militia of oddities who like to shitpost, meme and troll each other. We recruit talent from all gameplay styles, training them up and utilizing them by applying them to were they are best suited. In this regard TRUTRC offers a proven unique option for Mercs, Killers, Marauders and pirates to become infamous and hated among their own former colleagues, but better off financially due to their higher skill at pvp than the average marauder.




  • To stand up for whats right, to take the fight to any who prey on genuine people, to fight for a purpose, fire with fire with achievable goals and not because you can or feel the ich but simply because you take no shit from anyone, have principles and give as good as you get, always go down swinging screaming obscenities or singing songs badly.
  • To be part of a family that genuinely cares about your life and opinions, both tactically in-game and in life. You are not just a “Number”, we are a unit, a family. All have their role, their place, their niche.
  • To strive to better yourself through combat, whether that’s taking a head off at 500 meters, at 1 meter with a shotgun or with a axe, sword or lead pipe. Mastering trade, industry or crafting the best-est ever gun…..whatever your passion, we have your back.
  • No Regrets. No fear. All passion, no hate. Be yourself.

———————————————— ENLIST TODAY —————————————————-

As for those of you who like your fps and choose to fight along side me in my squad’s as we charge into certain death…

There’s gonna be one speed…mine. If you can’t keep up, don’t step up. You’ll just die, probably bent in a distressing position over a rock, half way up a ladder, at the bottom of a cave or in someones washing machine with your pants missing and a hat on your arse for some unsuspecting miner or trader to come across and screenshot to only post on spectrum later and get a couple of up votes.

Death is certain, We die with style


About myself.

  • Yes I am a huge sperg, I talk and type alot, no I dont shut up unless I’m hunting someone or leading a platoon so if you dont like banter and you dont want to read a wall of text……Il cut to the point: When one is looking for a org, you look for 3 things. A Org’s goals,values and its leadership, how you can fit in to it and be part of something or how much joining it limits your freedoms and enjoyment of the game. This is about you and what you want to accomplish in the game and while I may not be able to offer you everything this game has to offer, as a someone with asperger’s I understand what it is like to have people constantly attempt to force you to conform and fit into a box…. some set narrative or expectation. With me, the only box is the one you put yourself in
  • I understand how hard it is to find people you can be yourself around and enjoy their company without worrying about being accepted for who you are, what you believe, how you live your life….sexual preference and so on, It does not bother me in the slightest providing you do not treat others differently because of who they are as a individual. If you are a outcast with a conscious but enjoy blowing shit up or collecting heads, have a deep rooted passion for pvp and competitive fps/flying, In another org or loooking for a home and have not been excepted or found your niche or if you just need a escape in-game and out, you have a place here
  • All are equal under my flag unless you give me reason or cause otherwise. I am a Veteran Sb pilot of Eve Online and other RTS,FPS and modder, I adore tactical gameplay and being a sneey boi, but love keeping it simple and just charging around in kill mode, yet I love trade, industry and craft’s as I am a craftsman myself [Chippy]. I am also a Ex-MLG Competitive Gamer from the early 90’s (2011 Halo MLG) but I also Play Totalwar/sci-fi/Xseries/Fallout/Halo/Planetside/MMO’S. I love nothing more than getting a beer out and chilling with my wife on com’s and having a laff with the lads. You name it I’ve been there done it.


  • We will be providing player groups and Orgs active information about current sector larper “greifers” or marauder movements and sector activity as we have already gathering information on organizations who commit and perpetuate real criminal behavior within the community that actively participate in malevolent, manipulative behavior that breaks up communities or engages in any form of censorship or anti-free speech rehotoric and adding them to our [Blacklist] as we wish to have no involvement with such players, as there can only be trouble, drama or some type of bullshit around them and any who associate with them willingly.

  • These groups thrive on conflict and chaos, typical roleplaying (eve online spy meta) with peoples groups and do so with the intent to sabotage or disrupt the running operations or communities of rival groups, usually because someone associated pays them real money to do so. Hitlists and contract killing are common as are real world payments to conduct hits in-game …doxxing and harassment are common place too and they routinely engage in spreading false information about others and engaging in your typical cancel culture bs for their own gain so they can twist the context of any situation and use it as leverage with the intent to gain serious advantage (Typically the loyalty of the client who broke the tos) when the game is released.

> We offer free advice and protection to those who do NOT wish to become targeted or Involved in the meta of starcitizen. Those who need or want to get training in fps/flying to protect themselves from lynching’s or ganks by the groups and those who wish to hunt with us to exterminate any and all who engage in this behaviour, legal or outlaw in-game are welcome to come fly with us and share in the spoils of war and the thrill of the hunt.

> I have a no patience or tolerance for malign meta in-game such as Coordinated mass linching/Ganking or Greifing “Non-provoked Repeated killing” of players and will actively report and log ALL activity such as repeated harassment or any kind and pass it onto relevant authorities (if it comes into real life) and CIG if in-game or on spectrum

if you have been effected by this CONTACT US and work with us or consider joining the discord and share your experiences so that it is logged and other players and groups can access the information at will and can be informed of those who engage in meta. More org’s/people who know, the better people can defend their communities and org’s from this sort of crap it in the future.


Our solution for the “murderhobo/greifer rabithole problem” is simple, create a alternative gameplay loop for pirates and outlaws, maruaders, greifers and general troublemakers.


1: REFORM: (Work with us)

  • Put your Love of raiding and destruction to use in a more moderate, productive, financially stable cause in defending others and protecting players from the radical marauders and greifers. The salt will flow as you gain a even more hated reputation among your former colleagues as you gain a higher combat skill after each encounter with the option to become a permanent exclusive mentor, and member of TRUTRC should you wish it after proving yourself committed and effective and dependable.

2: PRIVATEER: (Work for us)

  • Sign on as a Privateer and Gain access to key information on Rival installations[Bases], Outposts, Fleet movements and raid rival pirate and marauder sites. While as a Independent Privateer you are expected to hold yourself to a “Reasonable standard of behavior, however you may keep what you kill and Fight as you see fit As long as your mark is a Marauder or greifer and wanted within U.E.E Territory.

[Neutral or allied, Non-Combatant Collateral deaths/damage will not be tolerated]


> To Pirate/Marauders org’s our there, “If you restrict your Piracy to “ONLY” fellow pirates and marauders, we will respect your space and not interfere with your operations. However this works BOTH ways.

> To those of you who are mercs and contracted against us, there is a easy way to make your money or there is the hard way. Work with us and both walk away richer or do your job and good hunting to you. You’ll get no mercy from me.

  • …..Eitherway, someone is getting spaced.



TRUTRC is split into 3 clear sections. Active Combatant, Merchant and Industrial or Freelancer/Affiliate

In your application please state what role you wish to have.


  • :Freelance and associates = [Civilian and Affiliates]
  • :Traders, merchants, explorers and miners/salvagers, = [CIV-Mercantile and industrial Fleet]


  • :Players interested in GroundCombat or SpaceCombat = [G.S.F Trooper]


  • :Pilots or fps players with proven capability or years of experence (Vets) = [G.S.F Special Forces]


  • :People who wish to lead squads or wings = [G.S.F.Officer]
  • :Vet officers who have earned to right top become platoon/wing commanders = [Senior Fleet Command]




– General Conduct of all members.-

  • As a member of TRUTRC, under my banner members are expected to adhere to a set of principles and conduct yourself in a reasonable manner. Aka “Do Unto Others”
  • Always join up with allies in the verse and communicate, work together when possible and avoid flying solo and maintain your personal combat ability to a respectable level and do not be afraid of failure as losses happen, It is a opportunity to learn and gain insight into ones own failings as a pvper.
  • Privateering is part of our core foundation and has its place in dealing and containing criminal play styles that greif and harass others in game. All combat members must be familiar with counter insurgent tactics and guerilla warfare to the point were communication is widely unnecessary and behavior is instinctive as In counter insurgent op’s, blockades and covert ops require quick thinking and precision were clear communication at times may be unavailable, chaotic or limited.
  • Honor all terms set by the platoon commander during briefing and during ops towards any and all hostiles. Adhere to squad leaders orders when in fleet operations to the best of your ability while working with fellow pilots to achieve the desired outcome. Voice Comms are a must for fleet ops and squad play.


– Punishable Conduct –

  • Failure to respect your fellow players and follow a rudimentary standard of behavior the org wishes to adhere to such as contract-killing innocent law abiding players inside UEE Space without explicit order or permission will be met with limited access to operations and put on the naughty step until such time you redeem yourself or right your wrong. Repeat offenders will be removed.
  • Hostile acts in lawful space which would effect our relationship with other players or groups, “unless authorized” or in self defense is not permitted with the exception that in unlawful space has it’s own code of conduct and you will be shot upon on sight by most players in the community and because of this, you are free to engage at will but are expected to be capable of fending for yourself should you enter it without informing other outfit members.
    -Immediate Ban Conduct.

1: Real/Genuine criminal behavior, aka: Calls to, or threats of violence to individuals, Blackmail, Cyberbullying and so on. You will be logged, your behavior cataloged and evidence gathered and you will be reported to the relevant authorities if genuine. I have 0 tolerance for members, or baseless accusations at members of my organization : Trolling, shittalk or shitposting is fine, keep it that way.

1a: [Only for repeat offenders] Being a ass to the playerbase unprovoked, like killing friendlies without provocation and killing neutrals deliberately on pads. Creating conflict/drama within the org or the community in our name without authorization and In the more serious cases of Greifing innocent players for shits and giggles, friendly fire or repetative jackassery during ops will result in instant KOS and immediate expulsion from all TRUTRC occupied or allied territory, stations and communication channel’s along with a ban from all terms or negotiation in the future.


  • Should you choose to live in Null or lawless space, you are responsible for your own actions and consequences if you pick fights you cant win, other org member are Not responsible for your safety, nor will be ordered to come to your aid but If you want to be a lone wolf and work better alone you should apply for the special forces and do what you do best.*


  • Training will be provided by myself and other pvp members of the org and coalition. All members of trutrc are expected to have a base understanding of pvp mechanics and maintain a effective combat ability. You will need it.


….a final note: The UTRC stands with, will trade from and settle on Earth as we would if it ever becomes a playable region.