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Ursidae LTD / UCLTD

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Freelancing
  • Social

Ursidae Concerns Limited (Ursidae LTD/UCLTD) is a freelancer organization of opportunists that will take on jobs ranging from cargo transport and mining, to combat operations and private security. When you need the job done right the first time, contact us.


  • 2951:
Assisted the UEE Navy as part of the CDF in the defense of the Navy’s prime flagship, the Aegis Javelin destroyer UEES War Hammer, during a resupply operation at INS-Jericho. During the operation, members of Ursidae LTD engaged in ship to ship combat, as well as EVA, gunfights, and volatile cargo operations in hostile space. Eventually the resupply was successful, and the Org participated in the final assault that drove XenoThreat out of the Stanton system.

Org leads participated in the nascent days of racing with XGR, and saw the community racetracks like snake pit made official.

  • Late 2951 – Early 2952:

Managed tiered operations at manufacturing facilities in the Stanton system during the “Jumptown” incidents. Members worked in cooperation with allies from REDACTED to secure the various facility locations, and manage the output of dangerous contraband (According to UEE procedure of course)*. In order to safely dispose of the contraband, and keep the local citizens from falling victim to the potent narcotic “Maze”, deadly skirmishes with hostile pirates and vigilantes were necessary*. Despite the casualties, UCLTD and allies both secured vast amounts of aUEC through PROPERLY disposing of these highly dangerous substances while adhering to ALL UEE mandates.*

UCLTD categorically denies any accusations of excessive force, improper disposal/resale of “Maze”, or demands for Pico the Penguin plushies in exchange for said “Maze”.

Activated during a Ninetails lockdown, Members helped save the local Lagrange station from receiving counterfeit and expired medical supplies. In an effort to maximize the number of lives saved, there were unfortunately casualties. Due to the nature of the lockdown, cargo transports were sometimes unwilling to turn around and return the expired meds, and had to be shot down. This is regrettable, but we believe that more lives were saved as a result. In effort to remedy the situation, selfless members and allies from REDACTED took it upon themselves to source legitimate medical supplies, and deliver them to those in need at the station.

  • Mid-late 2952:

Supported the CDF during a Siege of Orison as they called it. A bit dramatic if you ask us, just a few thugs in matching armor. Despite the continued failings of the UEE, members were able to assist in turning the tide and driving NT out of Orison. Members do voice about the efficacy of the UEE in handling such situations, as they seem to rely on volunteers in almost every scenario. Despite working hard to keep Stanton safe, service with the CDF does NOT provide a clear path to citizenship for those interested. In return for the help, the rewards are a few credits and a pat on the back.

UCLTD is also the home of the prestigious Linus Wing, the 404th squadron. They are known for getting themselves into tight situations, regardless of whether or not they can get back out. Going above and beyond the line of duty, they excel in exploring the unknown and engaging with complex problems.

UCLTD delivered gifts in the spirit of Luminalia[video]:

  • 2953:

Org members participated in continued assistance with Crusader operations and dealing with more Ninetails sieges on their platforms. Once again the UEE does nothing, and leaves the dying to the CDF.

Org members assisted in the lockdown of facilities producing drugs around the verse, known as the “Jumptown” incidents. As of 2953, the UEE and the local corporations have been failing the citizens of Stanton, so UCLTD took it upon ourselves to ensure that these drugs got to the senior citizens that need them. Security forces would like us to turn the “contraband” in, so they can reprocess, dilute, and sell it back to the very citizens they set out to protect.

Members assisted in operation “Golden Ticket”, in an attempt to secure access to Anvil’s new heavy fighter, the F8C Lightning.

Once again, the org came to the aid of the UEE during their operation codename OVERDRIVE to protect the system from XenoThreat incursion…but mostly to secure access to the mil spec F7A MK2.

Several org members, along with fellow members of REDACTED met in person at CitizenCon 2953, where Chris Roberts revealed that SQ42 was finally feature complete.

The org leads, BearCommando and Anarqui_Rains, were some of the first citizens through the Stanton-Pyro Jump Gate upon its first operational test.

UCLTD is one of the first organizations to get permission from the UEE to explore the Pyro system.


Have fun and make credits.


Like any good mercenary group, we follow the money.

We have no loyalties to the UEE or any of the mega corps.