United Star Citizen Community / UNSCC

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Freelancing
  • Social

Our mission is to create inclusive community-based content that is fun, engaging, and welcoming for all.

Discord: https://discord.gg/Em4JfWV



Our mission is to create exclusive community-based content that is fun, engaging, and welcoming for all. With each event, we plan to showcase the extensive in-game features that Star Citizen has to offer outside the bounds of endless mission loops and profession tasks. Through this community, we also plan to showcase the talented creators surrounding the game. Currently, our community is invited only, as to make sure each member is devoted to our mission, as well as compliant to our rules. Please feel free to contact command if you have anyone in mind to invite that share our ideals. Thank you for being a part of this and we look forward to joining you in the verse.



  1. Please be welcoming to all new members.
  1. Bullying/Trolling will not be tolerated. If you are uncivil or hostile towards other members in chat you will be banned no questions asked.
  1. We have no tolerance for Sexist, Racist, or Political conversations.
  1. This is a positive community, so please always keep that in mind while talking in chat. We do not want to spread a negative mindset here, so keep the drama to yourself.
  1. Do not spam. That means all sources of communication in Discord. Text chat, voice chat, or DM spam, may result in your removal from our server.
  1. No self promotion of any kind!
  1. Do not for any reason promote your discord in any of the channels. This is our home, and thus we ask that you respect that.
  1. Do not ping specific roles, (at) here, or (at) everyone in chat. We want people to keep notifications on to see when events are being ran and pinging those roles deters people from keeping notifications on.
  1. We do not condone the use of follow for follow, sub for sub, or host for host. It is not a legitimate way to grow so do not waste your time attempting it in our community.
  1. All Twitch and Youtube Terms of Service apply here. This is a community of content creators and thus we must adhere to the rules on these platforms.
  1. Given the variety of our content creators, and their distinct rules, we require everyone involved in the community to be 18 or older.
  1. Any ship/vehicle sales conducted in our community are at your discretion. We are not liable for any misconduct during these sales or trades. If you do experience any issues with a buyer or seller, please let us know, so that we may provide you with assistance.
  1. Break the rules and immediate action will take place. Either you will get off with a warning or banned. The choice is up to our discretion.


  1. All previously stated chat rules apply here.
  1. Please set a toggle mute hotkey for your discord.
  1. Streamers will have VOIP priority.
  1. No unrelated side conversations that deter event organization from progressing.
  1. When operation is running, keep communication on task.
  1. You may be muted without warning if any background noise or conversation is going on during the operation.
  1. As a courtesy, if you are streaming, please do your best to mute yourself when responding to your community. We don’t need everyone talking over eachother.
  1. You will only be given one warning if you break any of the above mentioned rules before you are kicked from the operation.


  1. Show up on time and be as close to the operation launch time as possible.
  1. Launch time will NOT be delayed for missing members.
  1. Follow the operation leader’s commands.
  1. During the setup of our events please stick to the plans we set out for that day, because we only have a alloted amount of time to run each operation. Distracting from our plans could make for frustrating experience for everyone.
  1. Each event will have a preparation, and launch time. Once we hit the launch time we will no longer be available to add any new members to the event, that includes people who crash or are having in game issues.
  1. Absolutely no stream sniping or comm switching.
  1. No hints or helping opposing teams in their streams or via direct messages.
  1. Have Fun!