United Scientist Alliance of Vood / USAV

  • Faith
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Engineering
  • Resources

may science optimize you my fellow being


Blessed is science for it is only the scientific method that will bring us the light of hypothesis and testing. Question everything!


USAV is devoted to finding the path to truth, but never actually discovering it. but only to continually adapt hypothesis in order to advance science for all.


Various intiatives will be executed in order to further the faith.

1. NAPS LAB (no advanced physics students left all behind)
2. HAT DNA (hypothesize and test, do not assume)
3. Missionary work such as
a. renaming indiginous people to names that meet inter galactic scientific nomenclature and signature uniqueness and complexity standards.
b. requiring the participation in math and science lessons anyone who wants to do trade with us.