Valiant Intergalactic / VALINT

  • Organization
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  • Role play
  • Security
  • Resources

Valiant proudly extends the hand to any human in the galaxy for a place among the stars.

Proud advocate of the MMI and CDF.



EST 2945

The outer fringes of the Empire find themselves besieged by relentless Vanduul raiders. The bulk of the UEE’s military might is deployed in a tireless battle to push back this looming scourge and secure lasting peace. As the Empire strains to make ends meet, corporations and criminal syndicates seize upon the opportunity, amassing power, while militias and private mercenary groups shoulder an increasing responsibility for homeland security. Some ponder if the Empire’s era may be drawing to a close, with factions such as the Terran Separatists and the People’s Alliance actively striving to usher in a new era of transformation.

Although the outlook for xeno-diplomacy appears hopeful on the surface, critics raise valid concerns. Can the Xi’an genuinely be trusted, having endured centuries of mutual distrust? Is their expanding presence within the UEE driven by benevolence, or is it a calculated effort to weaken us? The Banu, our long-standing trade partners, exhibit a fickle nature, and their involvement in the slave trade raises unsettling questions about loyalty. Closer to home, murmurs of dissatisfaction among the Tevarin population hint at the potential rebirth of a Tevarin nation within our borders. The list of potential adversaries extends far beyond the Vanduul menace.

In the midst of these mounting external and internal pressures, our founders recognized the imperative to safeguard our own. When the UEE’s guarantee of safety wavers, Valiant steps in with unwavering resolve. Our foremost priority remains the preservation and protection of the human race. Valiant Intergalactic, though relatively new, has rapidly become one of the most trusted comprehensive service providers in the galaxy. We stand united to shield our own and all UEE citizens. Our security detail, small yet resolute, has epitomized efficiency and strength since its inception.


Valiant operates through three distinct divsions, each overseen by a Director. Beneath each Director, commanders are responsible for guiding the various subdivisions. For instance, within the Securus Division, the subdivisions include Valiant Relief, Army, and Navy, with each one being directed by a commander.


Valiant High Command serves as the strategic heart of Valiant Intergalactic, overseeing the organization’s overarching objectives and ensuring the seamless operation of its divisions. Comprised of the most seasoned and respected leaders within the organization, the High Command is responsible for making critical decisions that shape the future of Valiant Intergalactic and its role within the universe.

Structure and Leadership:
- High Command Overview: The Valiant High Command consists of the Chancellor and three Directors, each leading one of Valiant’s core divisions.

- The Chancellor: Serves as the highest authority within Valiant Intergalactic, responsible for the overall direction, strategy, and integrity of the organization.

- Division Commanders: Each Division Commander oversees their respective sub branch, implementing strategies, operations, and policies as directed by the High Command and its Directors.

Core Rules and Responsibilities:
1. Unified Command: The High Command operates as a cohesive unit, with decisions made through consensus or majority vote. The Chancellor has the final say in case of a deadlock.

2. Division Autonomy: While each Director and its Commanders is granted autonomy to manage their division, they must align their operations with the overall objectives and ethical standards set by the High Command.

3. Strategic Planning: The High Command is responsible for setting long-term goals, developing strategic plans, and ensuring that resources are allocated efficiently across all divisions.

4. Crisis Management: In times of crisis, the High Command convenes to formulate a unified response, leveraging the strengths of each division to address challenges effectively.

5. Ethical Conduct: Members of the High Command must uphold the highest ethical standards, leading by example and ensuring that all actions taken by Valiant Intergalactic adhere to its Code of Conduct.

6. Communication and Transparency: The High Command maintains open lines of communication with each other and with the members of their respective divisions, fostering a culture of transparency and accountability.

7. Security and Confidentiality: Information pertaining to strategic decisions, operations, and sensitive matters must be safeguarded, with access restricted to authorized members of the High Command.

8. Regular Assessment: The performance of each division, as well as the effectiveness of the High Command’s leadership, is regularly assessed to identify areas for improvement and to celebrate achievements.

9. Engagement with External Entities: The High Command is responsible for overseeing diplomatic relations, alliances, and partnerships with other organizations, governments, and species, ensuring that Valiant’s interests are protected and advanced.

10. Adaptability and Innovation: The High Command encourages innovation and adaptability within each division, supporting initiatives that drive progress and enhance Valiant’s capabilities.

By adhering to these rules and responsibilities, the Valiant High Command ensures that the organization remains at the forefront of interstellar operations, dedicated to the welfare of UEE citizens, and committed to its mission of exploration, security, commerce, relief, and diplomacy.