Voyager Deep Space Explorations is an organization operating on the fringe colonies of the UEE. Close to Vanduul territory these fearless explorers search the farthest and most dangerous areas of unknown space.
Voyager Deep Space Explorations is a small family owned and operated exploration and scouting business. Started up in response to the needs of small colonies on the fringes of UEE space, Voyager is composed of born and bred colony people who realize that waiting around for the UEE to save them is going to be a wait that gets them killed. This is life on the fringes of the unknown with the only certainty being an eventual visit by the Vanduul. Voyager scouts for danger to the fringe colonies and explores the unknown for them in order to find the resources those colonies need to succeed. Out here there’s little bureaucracy, just people who know that they only have each other to count on and that when they need eyes in space they can count on Voyager.
Life on the fringe is hard enough. Life on the fringe with Vanduul neighbours? That’s even harder. The family behind VDSE can trace their ancestry all the way back to the original Vanduul raids over 250 years ago when they hit Orion. Ever since then the family business has had a long and interesting relationship with the Vanduul. VDSE was originally formed to answer a need for colonies pretty much abandoned by the Messer’s. We provided long range reconnaissance and emergency evacuation assistance originally but over the years we’ve branched out. With a small business history of over 250 years we have been science expeditionary guides, informal advisors, Vanduul artifact traders, surveyors and occasionally temporary colonial militia – all in and around Vanduul space. Hell, once a member of the family even tried to trade with one of the clans. It didn’t end well. We can safetly say though that no family or business has spent more time and effort exploring the most dangerous stretch of space there is. Right now in it’s current form VDSE is focusing on exploring deep into Vanduul territory. Deeper then we, or anyone, has ever gone before.
The Charter of VDSE requires…
For recruitment:
- All members must have space combat experience as a pilot and/or as ground infantry.
- An engineering, applicable science (ie: Xenobiology), or medical skill set is preferred but not required
- All members must be prepared to crew a long range exploration ship.
- Previous experience with the Vanduul recommended.
Member Conduct
- All members are required to come to the aid of colony planets and ships in distress
- All members must make themselves available for emergency evacuations of settlements under an attack or threat of attack
- All members are required to put the safety of their crew ahead of any other priority other then for the two previous statements
- All members are required to report all Vanduul activity and all astrocartography information gathered in Vanduul space
- All profits from discoveries are under claim by the crew of the discovering ship with shares divided among the crew according to pre mission contracts. VDSE may claim a percentage of profits in return for providing any services requested of a member. The percentage will be predetermined based on individual contracts signed prior to expedition starts.
UEE Military/Government Relations
We don’t like the UEE. They abandoned us before, they’ll likely do so again. We report all Vanduul activity to the UEE military but we remind members that we don’t take orders from them. According to UEE law the Military can force you to submit to their authority under the senate emergency legislation covering Vanduul activity. As such we encourage members to report necessary information through the spectrum and maintain a healthy distance from the UEE military and government representatives.