Auxiliary Task Force 6 / VELES

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Exclusive
  • Security
  • Scouting

Semper Immitis
“Always Merciless”


Auxiliary Task Force 6 is the result of the UEE’s drive to raise militia forces to support the conventional troops. Founded by Shigeo Kurumaya, the Task Force started out as a recon support group for the Marines, but distinguished themselves in operations against insurgents on the frontier worlds in the war against the Vanduul.

Drawing on a mixed bag of recruits from Sol and the inner colony worlds, Task Force 6, also known as the “Vucari” made a name for themselves with the ruthlessness they brought to combat operations and their complete and total dedication to the mission. Shortly into 2944, the Navy took over oversight of the Task Force from the Marines in order to have a force that could be reliably deployed to police the colonies and crush insurrections, freeing up the Marines to fight on the frontline against the Vanduul.

It was around this time that Shigeo opened up the ranks of the Task Force to aliens living within the UEE, providing an alternative form of military service for those Tevarin who might otherwise have ended up on prison battalions to be used as cannon fodder. Now, 4 years into the policing and counter-insurgency mission, the Vucari are hard at work, bringing the same ruthless enthusiasm to their work as they did in support of the Marines.


Statement of specialization:
In the model of pre-Diaspora special forces, Task Force 6 teams specialize in planetary assaults to free hostages, spaceport seizure and ship to ship anti-piracy operations.

We are dedicated to the security of the United Earth Empire from all threats foreign and domestic. We will secure the interior so that humanity can safely look outward.

The galaxy is a dangerous place, and internal disputes and rebellions are critically undermining our security in a dangerous galaxy. We have to face the Vanduul, a brutal and murderous alien race. Before them, there were the Tevarin, with whom we fought two wars. Then there’s the Kr’thak, a threat we know exists but have yet to encounter. With so much danger to be faced, we cannot afford to be divided, humanity must unite and stand as one.


Our purpose is twofold. On the one hand we exist to protect the colonies from the Vanduul, on the other we exist to guard the UEE from the colonies. Our rules of engagement should exemplify that. Acceptable general targets:
  • Any ships, persons, organizations or establishments who can be confirmed in their ties to piracy.
  • Any ships, persons, organizations or establishments tied to anti-empire movements.
  • Any and all Vanduul and Kr’thak assets.
Rules of engagement in occupation:
  • Do not fire unless fired upon first.
  • Extend a verbal warning before firing.
Unacceptable targets:
  • UEE military assets
  • Private military assets assisting UEE forces
  • Colony, UEE and Alien civilian assets bound to non-pirate or non-insurgent destinations.

Code of Conduct:

Excessive cursing will not be permitted.
Grief-killing will not be tolerated. (I.E escape pod kills/ killing without salvage)
Racial/religious/sexual discrimination will not be tolerated in any form.
Team-killing is unacceptable.

Extreme cases: Expulsion
Minor-moderate cases: Demotion and asset seizure.